VectorStar™ MS4640A Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzers : AutoCal Procedures : Copying the AutoCal Module Characterization File to the VectorStar
Copying the AutoCal Module Characterization File to the VectorStar
The AutoCal Characterization File (.acd file) is provided on a USB memory device and can be installed directly from that device. The files can also be copied from the USB memory device to the VectorStar hard drive and installed from there. The preferred method is to copy all ACD files to the hard drive, and then select the file for the specific AutoCal being used.
1. Inspect the AutoCal kit and make a note of its serial number. Typical AutoCal Kit serial numbers are six-digit integers such as “123456.”
2. Insert the AutoCal Characterization Memory Device (USB memory device) into one of the VectorStar USB Ports.
Alternatively, Windows Explorer can also be used to move files from the USB memory device to the VectorStar hard drive.
3. Navigate to the CAL KIT/AUTOCAL menu:
MAIN | Calibration | Cal Kit/AutoCal Characterization | CAL KIT/AUTOCAL
1. At left, the CAL KIT/AUTOCAL Characterization Coefficients Utility Menu
2. The Install Kit/Charac. (Characterization) button links to the INSTALL AUTOCAL CHARACTERIZATION/CAL KIT Dialog Box shown here with the AutoCal Characterization button selected.
4. On the CAL KIT/AUTOCAL menu, select Install Kit/Charac. The Install (AutoCal Characterization/CalKit) dialog box appears.
5. Select the AutoCal Characterization radio button and then click Browse. The Open (AutoCal ACD File) dialog box appears.
6. Navigate to the USB port location holding the USB memory device and select the file “V123456.ACD,” where “123456” is the serial number of the AutoCal kit.
7. Click the dialog box Open button. The Open dialog box closes; the Install dialog box re-appears.
8. Click OK in the Install dialog box. Another install dialog box appears (this one showing the AutoCal controller serial number, which is not the module serial number). Click Install in this box close it.
9. On the Cal Kit/AutoCal menu, select Save Kit/Charac. The Save (AutoCal Characterization) dialog box appears. Click OK.
10. Navigate to the required storage directory for the characterization file. The recommended directory destination on the VectorStar is C:\Anritsu\VNA\AutoCal
11. Click Save. The Save dialog box closes, the CAL KIT/AUTOCAL menu reappears.
12. Repeat the steps above to copy each new AutoCal Characterization File to the VectorStar.