VectorStar™ MS4640A SeriesMicrowave Vector Network Analyzer : General Information : Configuring the Remote Language
Configuring the Remote Language
The VectorStar VNA command parser responds to Native SCPI commands, legacy Anritsu Lightning commands, or to HP8510 commands.
When the programming language is set to Native:
The VectorStar VNA responds to Lightning commands on a secondary basis.
Does not respond to HP8510 commands.
When the programming language is set to Lightning:
The VectorStar VNA responds to SCPI commands on a secondary basis.
Does not respond to HP8510 commands.
When the language is set to HP8510:
The VectorStar VNA responds to SCPI commands on a secondary basis.
And responds to Lightning commands on a tertiary basis.
Processing and response times are improved if the Remote Language setting matches the majority of the sent commands. Scripts written in older versions of the Lightning command set or in the HP/Agilent 8510 command set may need editing to be fully compatible with the VNA. Not all Lightning and HP/Agilent commands are supported.
If necessary, you can change the VNA default GPIB language from Native to Lightning or HP8510 as follows:
1. Navigate to the Remote Lang. menu:
MAIN | System | SYSTEM | Remote Interface | REMOTE INTER | Language Selection | REMOTE LANG
2. Select the interface language being used.
3. Click Back at the bottom of the menu to return to the REMOTE INTER menu.