VectorStar™ MS4640A SeriesMicrowave Vector Network Analyzer : SCPI Commands : General Parameters
General Parameters
The following general parameters are defined for multiple subsystems in the sections following.
:CALCulate{1-16} refers to the indicated channel.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to index 1.
:CALibration{1-2} refers to the indicated calibration file to be merged.
If the index number is not used, the first calibration file is used.
:CONTrol{1-16} refers to the indicated channel number.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to index 1.
:DEVice{1-4} refers to the indicated device for the LRL calibration on the indicated channel.
If the index number is not used, the first device is used.
:EXTernal{1-4} refers to the indicated external source.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to the external source 1.
:FILe{1-4} refers to one of the four hybrid calibration files. Each file must be uniquely identified.
If the index number is not used, the command displays a syntax error.
:FLAT{1-2} refers to the flat test port power flatness coefficients for the indicated port and the active channel. If the index number is not used, the command is applied to Port 1 on the active channel.
:FSEGMent refers to the active frequency-based segment.
:FSEGMent{1-50} refers to the indicated frequency-based segment.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to the frequency-based segment 1.
:INTernal{1-2} refers to indicated internal source.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to the internal source 1.
:ISEGMent refers to the active index-based segment.
:ISEGMent{1-50} refers to the indicated index-based segment.
If the index number is not used, the command applies index-based segment 1.
:LINearity{1-2} refers to the power sweep linearity coefficients for the indicated port and the active channel. If the index number is not used, the command is applied to Port 1.
:MARKer refers to the active marker
:MARKer{1-13} refers to the indicated marker where Marker 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers and Marker 13 is the reference marker. If the index number is not used, the command applies to the marker 1.
:OFFSet{1-50} refers to the indicated multiple source band.
If the index number is not used, the command applied to offset band 1.
:OPERand{1-2} refers to either the first or second operand on the active trace.
If the index number is not used, operand refers to operand 1.
:PARameter{1-16} refers to the indicated trace.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to trace 1.
:PORT{12 | 13 | 14 | 23 | 24 | 34} refers to the indicated port pair. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument.
If the index number is not used, the command is applied to Port 1 and Port 2.
:PORT{13 | 14 | 23 | 24} refers to the indicated port pair such as Port23 refers to Port 2 and Port 3. Best practices recommend stating the port pair for every command. The use of these commands require a 4-Port VNA instrument.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to Port 1 and Port 3.
:PORT{123 | 124 | 134 | 234} refers to the indicated port triplet to be used in the hybrid calibration. A 4-Port VNA instrument is required.
If the index number is not used, the command is applied to Port 1, Port 2, and Port 3.
:PORT{1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 23 | 24 | 34 | 123 | 124 | 134 | 234 | 1234} refers to the indicated individual port, port pair, port triplet, or port quartet to be used in the calibration. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument and related test set.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to Port 1.
:PORT{1-4} refers to the indicated port. The use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument.
If the index number is not used, the command is applied to Port 1.
:SEGMent refers to the currently active limit line.
:SEGMent{1-50} refers to the indicated limit line.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to segment 1.
:SENSe{1-16} refers to the indicated channel.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to channel 1.
:SOURce{1-4} refers to the indicated external source.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to external source 1.
:THRu{12 | 13 | 14 | 23 | 24 | 34} refers to the through line between the indicated port pair. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-Port VNA instrument.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to Port 1 and Port 2.
:TRACe{1-16} refers to the indicated trace on the active channel.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to the trace 1.
:WINDow refers to the active channel.
:WINDow{1-16} refers to the indicated channel.
If the index number is not used, the command applies to the window 1.