VectorStar™ MS4640A SeriesMicrowave Vector Network Analyzer : SCPI Commands : :CALCulate{1-16}:APPLication:MEASurement Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:APPLication:MEASurement Subsystem
:CALCulate{1-16}:APPLication:MEASurement:TYPe <char1>
The command changes the instrument mode for the indicated channel. The query returns the current instrument mode for the indicated channel where the instrument mode types are:
TRANrefl = Transmission/Reflection
NFIGure = Noise Figure
Changing from Transmission/Reflection Mode to Noise Figure Mode
When the VNA application mode is changed from the default Transmission/Reflection mode to Noise Figure mode, the instrument configuration changes to the default Noise Figure trace configuration with:
A single trace
Noise Figure response in a LogMag display type
Changing from Noise Figure Mode to Transmission/Reflection Mode
When the VNA application mode is changed from Noise Figure mode to Transmission/Reflection mode, the instrument resets to factory as-shipped default configuration setting of four traces set as:
S11 response in a Smith Chart display type
S12 response in a LogMag + Phase display type
S21 response in a LogMag + Phase display type
S22 response in a Smith Chart display type
Returning to Another User-Defined Preset Configuration
If, after exiting exiting Noise Figure mode for Transmission/Reflection mode, a different instrument configuration is required programmatically, use the :SYStem:PRESet command subsystem to apply a previously user-defined configuration. The commands are described in the :SYStem subsystem described below. The available commands are:
:SYSTem:PRESet:FILe <string> = ’C:\directory\filename.cha’
:SYSTem:PRESet:TYPe <char1> = RESET | USER
Cmd Parameters
<char1> TRANrefl | NFIGure
Query Parameters
<char1>TRAN | NFIG
Default Value
Syntax Example