The :SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet and :SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet{1-50} subsystem commands are used to configure the frequency offsets for external sources, internal receivers, and related functions for the currently active device or function. Use the :OFFSet{1-50} commands to configure the frequency offsets for external sources, internal receivers, and related functions for the indicated offset number.
Trigger, Hold, and External Source Subsystems
Related trigger, hold, and external source subsystems are:
Use the :SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet commands to create and setup multiple source bands. The relative sequence is:
• Configure Band 1
• When started, Band 1 exists with a starting frequency of the lowest instrument frequency, and a top ending frequency of the highest instrument frequency.
• Change the Band 1 top frequency to something lower than the instrument maximum frequency.
• Accept the band defaults of receiver source = ON, source state = ON, and delay state = OFF or configure as required.
• Create and Configure Band 2
• Create a new band which automatically becomes Band 2 with a starting frequency 1 Hz higher than the end frequency of Band 1 and an end frequency of the highest instrument frequency.
• If another band is required, configure the end frequency at least 3 Hz lower than the instrument maximum frequency.
• Accept the band defaults of receiver source = ON, source state = ON, and delay state = OFF or configure as required.
• Create and Configure Band N
• Create a new band which automatically becomes the next higher Band with a starting frequency 1 Hz higher than the end frequency of the prior Band and an end frequency of the highest instrument frequency.
• If another band is required, configure the end frequency at least 3 Hz lower than the instrument maximum frequency.
• If this is the last band, and a lower end frequency is required, configure the band end frequency.
• Accept the band defaults of receiver source = ON, source state = ON, and delay state = OFF or configure as required.
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFset{1-50} Commands
Use the :SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet{1-50} commands to create and setup multiple source bands. These indexed :OFFSet commands allow a specified existing band to be configured. The relative command sequence is:
• Modify and configure the default existing Band 1 using :OFFSet{1} commands.
• When started, Band 1 exists with a starting frequency of the lowest instrument frequency, and a top ending frequency of the highest instrument frequency.
• Change the Band 1 top frequency to something lower than the instrument maximum frequency.
• Accept the band defaults of receiver source = ON, source state = ON, and delay state = OFF or configure as required.
• Create and Configure Band 2
• Create a new band using :OFFSet{2} which becomes Band 2 with a starting frequency 1 Hz higher than the end frequency of Band 1 and an end frequency of the highest instrument frequency.
• If another band is required, configure the end frequency at least 3 Hz lower than the instrument maximum frequency.
• Accept the band defaults of receiver source = ON, source state = ON, and delay state = OFF or configure as required.
• Create and Configure Band N
• Create a new band using the :OFFSet{N} (where N is less than or equal to 50) which automatically becomes the next higher Band with a starting frequency 1 Hz higher than the end frequency of the prior Band and an end frequency of the highest instrument frequency.
• If another band is required, configure the end frequency at least 3 Hz lower than the instrument maximum frequency.
• If this is the last band, and a lower end frequency is required, configure the band end frequency.
• Accept the band defaults of receiver source = ON, source state = ON, and delay state = OFF or configure as required.
Adds a multiple source control band at the next position on the indicated channel. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:BBModule:DELay:TIMe <NRf>
The command sets the BBModule band start delay for the current multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the BBModule start delay for the current multiple source band on the given channel.
Enables/Disables the BBModule band start delay for the current multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the Enable/Disable status of the BBModule band start delay for the current multiple source band on the given channel.
The command sets the external BBModule leveling type for the current multiple source band on the given channel where:
• IFLEVeling = For Modular BB, IF leveling provides the advantages of RF leveling described below plus the benefit of greater power control range and a lower minimum leveled power (at least 20 dB lower typically). As one approaches a 100 MHz difference between source and receiver frequencies, the power control range will start to decrease as will power control accuracy. The use of IF leveling is not recommended for source-receiver frequency differences greater than 100 MHz.
• RFLEVeling = For Modular BB, RF leveling provides a leveled RF output power with improved source match, protection against over powering the DUT, and insuring that the DUT is operating in its designated power range.
The query returns the BBModule leveling setting for the current multiple source band on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: IFLEVeling | RFLEVeling
Query Parameters
<char1>: IFLEV | RFLEV
Default Value
Syntax Example
Enables/disables the BB Module band receiver for the current multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the Enable/Disable status of the BBModule receiver for the current multiple source band on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1>: 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:BBModule:SRC[:STATe] <char1>
Enables/Disables the BBModule band source for the current multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the Enable/Disable status of the BBModule source for the current multiple source band on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1>: 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
Clears all currently defined multiple source control bands on the indicated channel, leaving a default band. No query.
Cmd Parameters
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the number of multiple source control bands defined on the indicated channel.
Query Parameters
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
1 to 50
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:EXTModule:CONTrol:TYPe <char>
The command sets the external module control type on the indicated channel where:
• OFF = All programmatic control of the external module is turned OFF.
• BBAND = Programmatic control of a Broadband or Millimeter-Wave module is turned ON.
• MODBB = Programmatic control of a Modular Broadband Module is turned ON.
• MODEB = Programmatic control of a Modular E-Band Module is turned ON.
• MODWB = Programmatic control of a Modular W-Band Module is turned ON.
• MODBB145 = Programmatic control of a Modular 145 GHz Broadband Module is turned ON.
The query outputs the external module control type on the indicated channel.
Note that in turning the External Module Control on or off, this command:
• Cannot determine if a Test Set is attached.
• If a Test Set is attached, cannot determine the Test Set power state.
• If a Test Set is attached, cannot change the Test Set power state (i.e. the command cannot turn the Test Set on/off).
• If a Test Set is attached, cannot determine the Test Set type.
For external sources 1 to 4, sets the CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel.
For external sources 1 to 4, sets the frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = ((Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency))
• If CW is on: Source = ((Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency)
For external sources 1 to 4, sets the frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. For external sources 1 to 4, outputs the frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
For external sources 1 to 4, sets the offset frequency for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. For external sources 1 to 4, outputs the offset frequency for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
MPND. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:EXTModule[:STATe] <char1>
Sets the on/off status of external module control in the current multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the on/off status of external module control in the current multiple source band on the given channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only.
Outputs the highest multiple source control frequency on the indicated channel. The query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the indicated Internal Source CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the indicated Internal Source CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel.
Sets the internal source 1 frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the internal source 1 frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the internal source 1 frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the Internal source 1 or 2 frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the Internal Source 1 or 2 offset frequency for the LAST multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the Internal Source 1 or 2 offset frequency for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
MPND. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
Query only. Outputs the lowest multiple source control frequency on the indicated channel. The query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
The command enables/disables the MMModule common offset mode for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule common offset mode for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:MMModule:DELay:TIMe <char1>
The command sets the MMModule band start delay for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel. The query Outputs the MMModule band start delay for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel
The command enables/disables the MMModule band start delay for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule band start delay for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel.
The command sets the external MMModule leveling type for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel. The query outputs the external MMModule leveling type for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> IFLEVeling | RFLEVeling
Query Parameters
Query Output
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:MMModule:RCVR[:STATe] <char1>
The command enables/disables the MMModule receiver for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule receiver for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:MMModule:SRC[:STATe] <char1>
The command enables/disables the MMModule source for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel.
The command sets the MMModule VCO frequency overrange for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel. The query outputs the MMModule VCO frequency overrange for the current multiple source band being defined on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:PINVersion[:STATe] <char1>
Turns on/off phase inversion for multiple source control on the indicated channel. Outputs the on/off status of phase inversion for multiple source control on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:RCVSource:CW[:STATe] <char1>
Sets the receiver source CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the receiver source CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel.
Sets the receiver source frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the receiver source frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the receiver source frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the receiver source frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the receiver source offset frequency for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the receiver source offset frequency for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
MPND. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:RECEiver:CW[:STATe] <char1>
Sets the receiver CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. On the indicated channel, outputs the receiver CW mode on/off status for the last multiple source control band being defined.
Sets the receiver frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the receiver frequency divisor for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the receiver frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the receiver frequency multiplier for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the receiver offset frequency for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the receiver offset frequency for the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
MPND. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:STARt <NRf>
Sets the start frequency of the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the start frequency of the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The Minimum Instrument Frequency (Fmin) depends on the instrument installed options. The Maximum Instrument Frequency (Fmax) depends on the instrument model. See Minimum/Maximum Instrument Frequency and Related Parameters for frequency limits for combinations of instrument model and available options. The Minimum Frequency Step Size is equal to 1 Hz.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
Minimum Instrument Frequency to (Maximum Instrument Frequency minus Minimum Frequency Step Size)
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet:STOP <NRf>
Sets the stop frequency of the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. Outputs the stop frequency of the last multiple source control band being defined on the indicated channel. The Minimum Instrument Frequency (Fmin) depends on the instrument installed options. The Maximum Instrument Frequency (Fmax) depends on the instrument model. See Minimum/Maximum Instrument Frequency and Related Parameters for frequency limits for combinations of instrument model and available options. The Minimum Frequency Step Size is equal to 1 Hz.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
(Minimum Instrument Frequency + Minimum Frequency Step Size) to Maximum Instrument Frequency
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENS1:OFFS:STOP 2000000000
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet[:STATe] <char1>
Sets the on/off status of the multiple source mode of the indicated channel.
Outputs the on/off status of the multiple source mode of the indicated channel.
Sets the BBModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the BBModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
Enables/Disables the BBModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the Enable/Disable status of the BBModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
The command sets the external BBModule leveling type for the specified band on the given channel where:
• IFLEVeling = For Modular BB, IF leveling provides the advantages of RF leveling described below plus the benefit of greater power control range and a lower minimum leveled power (at least 20 dB lower typically). As one approaches a 100 MHz difference between source and receiver frequencies, the power control range will start to decrease as will power control accuracy. The use of IF leveling is not recommended for source-receiver frequency differences greater than 100 MHz.
• RFLEVeling = For Modular BB, RF leveling provides a leveled RF output power with improved source match, protection against over powering the DUT, and insuring that the DUT is operating in its designated power range.
The query returns the BBModule leveling setting for the current multiple source band on the indicated channel.
Enables/Disables the BBModule band receiver for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the Enable/Disable status of the BBModule receiver for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
The command enables or disables the BBModule band source for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the Enable/Disable status of the BBModule source for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
For external sources 1 to 4, sets the CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel. For external sources 1 to 4, outputs the CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel.
For external sources 1 to 4, sets the frequency divisor for the indicated multiple source band and channel. For external source 1 to 4, outputs the frequency divisor for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
For external source 1 to 4, sets the frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. For external sources 1 to 4, outputs the frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the offset frequency for the indicated external source for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The multiple source equations depend on whether the instrument is in Broadband or Millimeter-Wave Mode.
• If the VNA is in Broadband Mode, the Start, Stop, and Broadband Break Frequencies in GHz set the frequency range.
• If the VNA is in Millimeter-Wave Mode, only the Start and Stop Frequency in GHz are required.
Sets the on/off status of external module control in the given multiple source band on the given channel. Outputs the on/off status of external module control of the given multiple source band on the given channel.
Sets the Internal Source 1 or Internal Source 2 CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the Internal Source 1 or Internal Source 2 CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel.
Sets the Internal source 1 frequency divisor for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The multiple source equations depend on whether the instrument is in Broadband or Millimeter-Wave Mode.
• If the VNA is in Broadband Mode, the Start, Stop, and Broadband Break Frequencies in GHz set the frequency range.
• If the VNA is in Millimeter-Wave Mode, only the Start and Stop Frequency in GHz are required.
Sets the Internal source 1 frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the Internal source 1 frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the Internal source 1 offset frequency for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The multiple source equations depend on whether the instrument is in Broadband or Millimeter-Wave Mode.
• If the VNA is in Broadband Mode, the Start, Stop, and Broadband Break Frequencies in GHz set the frequency range.
• If the VNA is in Millimeter-Wave Mode, only the Start and Stop Frequency in GHz are required.
The command enables/disables the MMModule common offset mode for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule common offset mode for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
The command sets the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel
The command enables/disables the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
The command sets the external MMModule leveling type for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the external MMModule leveling type for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
• IFLEVeling = For Modular BB, IF leveling provides the advantages of RF leveling described below plus the benefit of greater power control range and a lower minimum leveled power (at least 20 dB lower typically). As one approaches a 100 MHz difference between source and receiver frequencies, the power control range will start to decrease as will power control accuracy. The use of IF leveling is not recommended for source-receiver frequency differences greater than 100 MHz.
• RFLEVeling = For Modular BB, RF leveling provides a leveled RF output power with improved source match, protection against over powering the DUT, and insuring that the DUT is operating in its designated power range.
The command enables/disables the MMModule receiver for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule receiver for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel
The command enables/disables the MMModule source for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule source for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel
The command sets the MMModule VCO frequency overrange for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the MMModule VCO frequency overrange for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel
The command enables/disables the MMModule common offset mode for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule common offset mode for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command sets the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
Query Output
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command enables/disables the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule band start delay for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command sets the external MMModule leveling type for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the external MMModule leveling type for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
• IFLEVeling = For Modular BB, IF leveling provides the advantages of RF leveling described below plus the benefit of greater power control range and a lower minimum leveled power (at least 20 dB lower typically). As one approaches a 100 MHz difference between source and receiver frequencies, the power control range will start to decrease as will power control accuracy. The use of IF leveling is not recommended for source-receiver frequency differences greater than 100 MHz.
• RFLEVeling = For Modular BB, RF leveling provides a leveled RF output power with improved source match, protection against over powering the DUT, and insuring that the DUT is operating in its designated power range.
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: IFLEVeling | RFLEVeling
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char1>: IFLEVeling | RFLEVeling
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command enables/disables the MMModule receiver for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the enable/disable status of the MMModule receiver for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char1> 1 | 0
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command enables/disables the MMModule source for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the Enable/Disable status of the MMModule source for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel
The command sets the MMModule VCO frequency overrange for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel. The query outputs the MMModule VCO frequency overrange for the indicated multiple source band on the given channel
Sets the receiver source CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the receiver source CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel.
Sets the receiver source frequency divisor for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The multiple source equations depend on whether the instrument is in Broadband or Millimeter-Wave Mode.
• If the VNA is in Broadband Mode, the Start, Stop, and Broadband Break Frequencies in GHz set the frequency range.
• If the VNA is in Millimeter-Wave Mode, only the Start and Stop Frequency in GHz are required.
Sets the receiver source frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the receiver source frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the receiver source offset frequency for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The multiple source equations depend on whether the instrument is in Broadband or Millimeter-Wave Mode.
• If the VNA is in Broadband Mode, the Start, Stop, and Broadband Break Frequencies in GHz set the frequency range.
• If the VNA is in Millimeter-Wave Mode, only the Start and Stop Frequency in GHz are required.
Sets the receiver CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the receiver CW mode on/off status for the indicated multiple source band and channel.
Sets the receiver frequency divisor for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the receiver frequency divisor for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The multiple source equations depend on whether the instrument is in Broadband or Millimeter-Wave Mode.
• If the VNA is in Broadband Mode, the Start, Stop, and Broadband Break Frequencies in GHz set the frequency range.
• If the VNA is in Millimeter-Wave Mode, only the Start and Stop Frequency in GHz are required.
Sets the receiver frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the receiver frequency multiplier for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Sets the receiver offset frequency for the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the receiver offset frequency for the indicated multiple source band and channel. The multiple source equations depend on whether the instrument is in Broadband or Millimeter-Wave Mode.
• If the VNA is in Broadband Mode, the Start, Stop, and Broadband Break Frequencies in GHz set the frequency range.
• If the VNA is in Millimeter-Wave Mode, only the Start and Stop Frequency in GHz are required.
Sets the start frequency of the indicated multiple source band and channel. Outputs the start frequency of the indicated multiple source band and channel. The Minimum Instrument Frequency (Fmin) depends on the instrument installed options. The Maximum Instrument Frequency (Fmax) depends on the instrument model. See Minimum/Maximum Instrument Frequency and Related Parameters for frequency limits for combinations of instrument model and available options. The Minimum Frequency Step Size is equal to 1 Hz.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
Minimum Instrument Frequency to (Maximum Instrument Frequency minus Minimum Frequency Step Size)
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:OFFSet{1-50}:STOP <NRf>
Sets the stop frequency of the indicated multiple source band and channel.
Outputs the stop frequency of the indicated multiple source band and channel.
The Minimum Instrument Frequency (Fmin) depends on the instrument installed options. The Maximum Instrument Frequency (Fmax) depends on the instrument model. See Minimum/Maximum Instrument Frequency and Related Parameters for frequency limits for combinations of instrument model and available options.
The Minimum Frequency Step Size is equal to 1 Hz.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
(Minimum Instrument Frequency + Minimum Frequency Step Size) to Maximum Instrument Frequency