The :SENSe{1-16}:RECEiver subsystem command is used to the configure the VNA receiver.
:SENSe{1-16}:RECEiver:CONFiguration <char1>
Sets the receiver configuration on the indicated channel. The command parameters available depend on the instrument series and model number, where:
• STANdard = The receiver frequency follows the source frequency.
• MSOURce = Multiple source receiver configuration. This can be used with or without actual multiple sources. If selected, allows the receiver frequency to be changed by an equation.
• MMWBBand = Millimeter-Wave broadband receiver configuration. Sets the receiver to be controlled by equations on the VNA appropriate for Broadband/ Millimeter-Wave systems.
• MODBBand = Modular Broadband receiver configuration. Only available on MS4647A VNAs equipped with Option 080/081.
For MSOURce (Multiple Source), the equation used depends on whether CW is OFF or ON.
• If CW is OFF, Source = (Multiplier / Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is ON, Source = (Multiplier / Divisor) × Offset Frequency
For MMWBBand (Millimeter-Wave Broadband), the equations used vary for the LO and RF frequencies: