The :SENSe{1-16}:TS3739 subsystem commands are used to the configure and control the VectorStar ME7838A Broadband/Millimeter-Wave 3739x Test Set.
The command sets the 3739 Test Set start frequency for the active channel. The query Outputs the test set start frequency for the active channel. The Minimum Instrument Frequency (Fmin) depends on the instrument installed options. The Maximum Instrument Frequency (Fmax) depends on the instrument model. See Minimum/Maximum Instrument Frequency and Related Parameters for frequency limits for combinations of instrument model and available options. The Minimum Frequency Step Size is equal to 1 Hz.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
Minimum Instrument Frequency to (Maximum Instrument Frequency minus Minimum Frequency Step Size)
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:TS3739:FREQuency:STOP <NRf>
The command sets the 3739 Test Set stop frequency for the active channel. The query outputs the test set stop frequency for the active channel. The Minimum Instrument Frequency (Fmin) depends on the instrument installed options. The Maximum Instrument Frequency (Fmax) depends on the instrument model. See Minimum/Maximum Instrument Frequency and Related Parameters for frequency limits for combinations of instrument model and available options. The Minimum Frequency Step Size is equal to 1 Hz.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz.
(Minimum Instrument Frequency + Minimum Frequency Step Size) to Maximum Instrument Frequency
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENS1:TS3739:FREQ:STOP 1.0E10
:SENSe{1-16}:TS3739:LO:DIVisor <NRf>
The command sets the 3739 Test Set LO divisor for the active channel. The query Outputs the test set LO divisor for the active channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
MPNI. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENS1:TS3739:LO:DIV 9
:SENSe{1-16}:TS3739:LO:MULTiplier <NRf>
The command sets the 3739 Test Set LO multiplier for the active channel. The query outputs the test set LO multiplier for the active channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
MPNI. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command selects the 3739 Test Set OML waveguide type for the active channel. The available OML waveguide types are:
• WR01.5 = OML WM-380 waveguide rated for 500 to 750 GHz
• WR02.2 = OML WM-570 waveguide rated for 325 to 500 GHz
• WR03 = OML WM-864 waveguide rated for 220 to 325 GHz
• WR05 = OML WM-1295 waveguide rated for 140 to 220 GHz
• WR06 = OML WM-1651 waveguide rated for 110 to 170 GHz
• WR08 = OML WM-2032 waveguide rated for 90 to 140 GHz
• WR10 = OML WM-2540 waveguide rated for 75 to 110 GHz
• WR10E = OML WM-2540 waveguide rated for 67 to 110 GHz
• WR12 = OML WM-3175 waveguide rated for 60 to 90 GHz
• WR12E = OML WM-3175 waveguide rated for 56 to 94 GHz
• WR15 = OML WM-3810 waveguide rated for 50 to 75 GHz
The WR and WM designators are waveguide designators (not vendor specific) where WR is in english units (and is most common) and WM is in metric units. The WR number is approximately the waveguide broadwall dimension (in inches) times 10. The waveguide size uniquely sets the port frequency range of their model numbers.
The OML waveguide types are available from OML Inc., 300 Digital Drive, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, USA.
• Telephone: (408) 779-2698
• FAX: (408) 778-0491
• Web: http://
The query outputs the test set OML waveguide type for the active channel.
The command sets the test set RF divisor for the active channel. The query outputs the test set RF divisor for the active channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
MPNI. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENS1:TS3739:RF:DIV 2
:SENSe{1-16}:TS3739:RF:MULTiplier <NRf>
Sets the test set RF multiplier for the active channel. Outputs the test set RF multiplier for the active channel. The command/query range is limited by the band equation which changes depending on the CW on/off mode:
• If CW is off: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) × (Frequency + Offset Frequency)
• If CW is on: Source = (Multiplier/Divisor) + Offset Frequency
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
Query Output
<NR1> The output parameter is an integer.
MPNI. Limited by the band equation.
Default Value
Syntax Example
The command selects the test set VDI waveguide model for the active channel. The parameters define different frequency plans for the same module band. The query outputs the test set VDI waveguide model for the active channel, where:
• MOD20G
• MOD24G
The query outputs the test set VDI waveguide model for the active channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char1>: MOD20G | MOD24G
Query Parameters
Query Output
<char1>: MOD20G | MOD24G
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:TS3739:VDI:WGType <char1>
The command selects the test set VDI waveguide type for the active channel. The available VDI waveguide types are:
• WR01.0 = VDI WM-250 for 750 to 1100 GHz
• WR01.5 = VDI WM-380 for 500 to 750 GHz
• WR02.2 = VDI WM-570 for 330 to 500 GHz
• WR03.4 = VDI WM-864 for 220 to 330 GHz
• WR04.3 = VDI WM-1092 for 170 to 260 GHz
• WR05.1 = VDI WM-1295 for 140 to 220 GHz
• WR06.5 = VDI WM-1651 for 110 to 170 GHz
• WR08 = VDI WM-2032 for 90 to 140 GHz
• WR10 = VDI WM-2540 for 75 to 110 GHz
• WR15 = VDI WM-3810 for 50 to 75 GHz
The WR and WM designators are waveguide designators (not vendor specific) where WR is in english units (and is most common) and WM is in metric units. The WR number is approximately the waveguide broadwall dimension (in inches) times 10. The waveguide size uniquely sets the port frequency range of their model numbers.
The VDI model numbers have suffix modifiers of -20G and -24G that are used to denote which frequency plan the VDI model is using. The suffix modifiers must be stated with the :SENSe{1-16}:TS3739:VDI:MODel <char1> command described above.
The VDI waveguide types are from Virginia Diode, Inc. located at 979 Second Street, S.E., Suite 309, Charlottesville, VA 22902-6172, USA.
• Ph: 434.297.3257
• FAX: 434.297.3258
• Web:
The query outputs the test set VDI waveguide type for the active channel. Cmd Parameters
The command sets the on/off status of the millimeter-wave or broadband mode on the indicated channel. The query outputs the on/off status of the millimeter-wave or broadband mode on the indicated channel.