Cable and Antenna Analyzer for Anritsu’s RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : Cable and Antenna Analyzer : Marker Menu
Marker Menu
Key Sequence: Marker
Marker Menu
Press the marker key the select M1 to M6 as the active (underlined) marker.
Turns the active (underlined) Marker On or Off.
Turns on a delta marker for the active marker.
Marker to Peak
This submenu key places the currently active marker on the highest signal amplitude currently displayed on screen.
Marker to Valley
This soft key places the currently active marker on the lowest signal amplitude currently displayed on screen.
Marker Options (Marker 5 or 6 Active)
Displays the Marker Options submenu.
Marker 5 Active
Peak Between M1&M2: Place Marker 5 at the peak between Marker 1 and Marker 2.
Valley Between M1&M2: Place Marker 5 at the valley between Marker 1 and Marker 2.
Marker 6 Active
Peak Between M3&M4: Place Marker 6 at the peak between Marker 3 and Marker 4.
Valley Between M3&M4: Place Marker 6 at the valley between Marker 3 and Marker 4.
Marker Table
Causes a table to be displayed below the sweep window. The table is automatically sized to display all markers that are turned on. In addition to the marker frequency and amplitude, the table also shows delta frequencies and amplitude deltas.
All Markers Off
Turns off all markers.