Cable and Antenna Analyzer for Anritsu’s RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : Cable and Antenna Analyzer : Sweep Menu
Sweep Menu
This menu opens the Sweep/Setup Menu.
Measure Menu
This menu opens the Measurement Menu.
Trace Menu
Key Sequence: Shift > Trace (5) key
Trace Menu
Recall Trace
Opens the Recall dialog box to recall a previously saved measurement. See the User Guide for more information about recalling measurements. If the setup of the recalled trace is the same as the current settings, the trace is displayed in white and copied to display memory for use in Trace Math.
Copy Trace to Memory
Copies the current trace display to memory for use in Trace Math.
No Trace Math
The active trace is shown as is with no math functions.
Trace + Memory
Displays the results of logarithmic adding of the active trace and the trace in memory.
Trace – Memory
Displays the difference between the active trace and the trace in memory.
Trace Overlay
Displays both the recalled trace (white) if a trace is stored in memory and the current trace (yellow).