Backhaul Analyzer for Anritsu’s RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : E1 Analyzer (Option 52 or 55) : Pattern Menu
Pattern Menu
Key Sequence: Pattern
E1 Pattern Menu
Select Pattern
After highlighting a pattern with the rotary knob or arrow keys, use this submenu key to select the pattern.
Set User Pattern
Use this submenu key to select a specific user pattern from a list of six patterns, which can be configured separately.
User‑Pat #
These six submenu keys each select a different pattern. Enter zeros or ones, up to a maximum of 24 bits. Press Enter to continue or Esc to abort.
Returns to the Pattern menu.
Inverse Pattern, Off/On
This submenu key toggles the Inverse Pattern function Off and On. When on, the selected PRBS pattern is inverted.