WiMAX Signal Analyzerfor Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : Mobile WiMAX Signal Analyzer : Marker Menu
Marker Menu
This feature is available only when the Power vs Time measurement is activated from the RF Meas menu (Measurements > RF > Power vs. Time).
These instruments have 6 regular line markers and 6 delta markers. Marker information includes time and power level in dBm. Delta marker information includes delta time and delta power.
Key Sequence: Marker
Mobile WiMAX Marker Menu
1 2 3 4 5 6
Press this submenu key to select and set up a marker for display
On Off
Press this submenu key to turn On and Off the selected (underlined) marker in the Marker submenu key face
On  Off
Press this submenu key to turn a delta marker On or Off. You can move the delta marker to read offsets in time and power by using the rotary knob or by entering a time offset using the number keypad.
Gated Power
On  Off
Press this submenu key to turn Gated Power On and Off.
All Markers Off
Press this submenu key to turn Off all markers and remove them from the display