3GPP Signal Analyzer for Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : LTE Signal Analyzer : Measurements Menu : Modulation Menu
Modulation Menu
Key Sequence: Measurements > Modulation
LTE Modulation Menu
Power vs Resource Block: Press once to display the Power vs. Resource Block measurement window. Press again to open the Power vs. Resource Block Menu for setting up the Resource Block Color Map parameters.
Constellation: Press the Constellation submenu key to set the modulation measurement to Constellation view. This view displays the constellation of the modulated data symbols over one frame. When modulation is set to Constellation view, press this submenu key again to open the Constellation Menu.
Control Channel Power: Press the Control Channel Power submenu key to set the display as bar graph or table.
Tx Time Alignment: Press to set the modulation measurement to Tx Time Alignment view. Refer to Tx Time Alignment.
Modulation Summary: Press this submenu key to display a summary table of all of the modulation‑related numerical measurement results:
Ref Signal (RS) Power
Sync Signal (SS) Power
EVM (rms)
Freq Error
Freq Error (ppm)
Cell ID
PBCH Power
Back: Press this submenu key to return to the Measurements Menu.