Spectrum Analyzerfor Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : AM/FM/PM Analyzer (Option 509) : Audio Waveform FM Menu
Audio Waveform FM Menu
Key Sequence: Measure or (Shift + 4) > Audio Waveform > Audio Waveform
Audio Waveform FM Menu
Sweep Time
Press to set the sweep time. If you use the numeric keypad to enter a value, then the submenu keys change to Time in units of s, ms, µs, ns, or ps. The output turns On at the level that has been set with the Output Power submenu key. The current state (Off or On) is underlined.
Scale % IFBW
Press to set the sweep scale in percent of intermediate frequency bandwidth (IFBW). Use the numeric keypad, the rotary knob, or the arrow keys to set the percent value.
Squelch Power
Press to set the squelch power level.
Press to return to the Measurements menu.