Spectrum Analyzerfor Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments : EMF (Option 444) : Measurement Results
Measurement Results
After completing the data collection for the three axes, the Isotropic Result is calculated and displayed. In addition to the three traces displayed on the user interface (Axis Sweep Data, Current Isotropic Result, and Average Isotropic Result/Measurement), the max, min, and average values of the Isotropic Result traces are also computed and displayed in the table below the graph region. The maximum, minimum, and average value of the Isotropic Results in the specific measurement is computed (sum of the trace point amplitudes / 551). The values displayed are the max, min, and running average of all the Isotropic Results computed within a measurement period.
At the end of a measurement period, the current max, min, and average values are copied to the total max, min, and average values. The current values are then cleared for the next measurement. The total max, min, and average values displayed are the result of the isotropic numbers computed in the total EMF measurement period (measurement time * number of measurements).
The limit check is done at the end of a measurement period. The limit line, if selected, is applied against the Avg trace. At the end of the measurement time (default 6 minutes) and if the trace exceeds the selected limit, a fail is recorded and the Current Test Status in the bottom table is updated to FAIL. The Final Test Result is also marked as a FAIL. If the Average Isotropic Result does not cross the limit line, then the Current Test Status is updated to PASS and stays this way for a few sweeps. The Current Test Status is then updated to “--”. If all of the measurements pass, the Final Test Result is updated to PASS.
EMF Measurement Display