PIM Master™ Passive Intermodulation Analyzer : Programming Commands : :CONFigure Subsystem
:CONFigure Subsystem
The commands in this subsystem prepare the instrument for the selected measurement. They disable any currently‑enabled measurements and activate the specified measurement. They set the instrument to single sweep mode, waiting for an :INITiate command. They do not initiate the taking of a measurement.
Current instrument settings may be changed to default values. These changes are identified with their respective measurement commands.
Configure PIM Master Hardware for Measurement
Creates and sends a defined configuration to the PIM Master based on the previously set SCPI command configuration parameters.
This command must be sent after any SCPI command that changes a PIM Master related measurement parameter. This command is required to update the PIM Master configuration for a PIM measurement, but NOT for a Distance‑to‑PIM™ (DTP) measurement.