Line Sweep Tools is a program designed to increase productivity for people who work with dozens of Cable traces, Antenna traces, and Passive Intermodulation (PIM) traces every day. Line Sweep Tools will:
• Collect sweeps from Anritsu PIM and Line Sweep gear.
• Help verify that those sweeps are done properly and that the Cable, Antenna and PIM sweeps meet specifications.
• Help create reports of the findings quickly and to a professional standard.
Line Sweep Tools Features
The Line Sweep Tools user interface is familiar to users of Handheld Software Tools, the current industry standard line sweep post-capture trace processing software. This leads to a short learning curve and easy trace collection, validation, and reporting.
Anritsu’s Line Sweep Tools program includes:
• Presets for markers and limit lines take hours off the report preparation time for a user with dozens of traces to verify.
• The Report Generator which makes generating PDF reports for multiple traces, with logos, quick and easy.
• Dual Trace viewing mode ensures compatibility with the E series line sweep instruments.
• A naming grid makes renaming files, titles, and subtitles much quicker and error free.
• Line Sweep Tools can open DAT or VNA files from a wide range of current and supported Anritsu hand-held instruments.
• Line Sweep Tools can open the PIM files generated by Passive Inter-Modulation measurements.