MST includes a feature to capture the current screen and associated data from the test instrument to the Master Software Tools Graphic Display Editor window. Saved files on the test instrument can also be retrieved and displayed or edited with Master Software Tools.
Editing Graphs
MST can be used to change the scale, limit lines, and markers in a measurement through the Edit Graph button in the workspace toolbar, or through the Context Menus.
Context Menus
Context Menus are accessed by right-clicking the mouse on an active measurement screen in the Graphic Display Editor Window. Context Menu functions may include commands that are also available on the pull down menus and toolbar buttons, or functions, commands, and options specific to the active measurement window.
Overlaying Traces
Trace Math and Overlays allow for comparing multiple traces.
Folder Spectrogram
Folder Spectrogram provides a simulated three dimensional view of a large amount of data in one set of graphs.
Script Master
Script Master is an editor to create files that set up measurement parameters and create automated test procedures that aid field techs or FAEs with measurement testing.
Installing MST
MST is provided on the CD-ROM included with the instrument. Insert the CD-ROM into a PC to run the installer. Follow the onscreen instruction.