S331E, S332E, S361E, S362E Site Master™MS2711E, MS2712E, MS2713E Spectrum Master™MT8212E, MT8213E Cell Master™ Programming Manual : Tracking Generator Commands : :GENerator Subsystem
:GENerator Subsystem
This subsystem contains commands related to the generator.
Perform Additional Calibration
Performs an additional calibration sweep to improve the output of the source. Use [:SENSe:]:ENhanced:CALibration:COMPlete[:STATe]? to determine when calibration is complete.
Note: This command works only after the Generator has been turned ON and Enhanced Accuracy Calibration has been turned ON.
Related Command
[:SENSe]:GENerator:ENhanced:CALibration[:STATe] ON
[:SENSE]:MATChing:PADS <num>
Front Panel Access
Shift-4 (Measure), Generator, Settings, Enhanced Generator Power Accuracy, Additional Calibration Sweep
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer <amplitude>
Generator Output Power
Sets the output power for the Generator.
Query returns actual output power setting without regards to any external gain or loss setting.
Note: Returned value does not match displayed output power on the instrument if external gain/loss setting is not 0 dB.
Default Value
-50 dBm
-80 dBm to 15 dBm
Default Unit
Current active amplitude unit
To set the output to -30 dBm when the active amplitude units are dBm:
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer -30
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-4 (Measure), Generator, Output Power
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer:OFFSet[:MAGNitude] <value>
Generator Output Power Offset or External Gain/Loss Setting
Sets the output power level offset or the External Gain/Loss Setting. Please note that changing this value causes the displayed output power to adjust with the new offset. For example, if the output power is set to -25 dBm and the External Gain/Loss is then set to 10 dB external gain, the power limits are adjusted by 10 dBm and value of the output power displayed on the instrument are adjusted to -15 dBm. The query returns a value from -100 to 100. A negative sign indicates external loss and no sign indicates external gain.
Default Value
0 dB
100 dB Ext Loss to 100 dB Ext Gain
Default Unit
To set the signal generator offset to 10 dB external gain:
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer:OFFSet 10
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-4 (Measure), Generator, Settings, Ext Gain/Loss