Backhaul Analyzer Measurement Guide : T1/T3 Analyzer (Option 53)  : T3 Measurement Screen
T3 Measurement Screen
Submenu keys for the Measurement Menu are described in section T3 Measurements Menu.
BERT: Three different displays are available to view results: Table (DS1 or DS3), Histogram, and Event List:
Rx Signal: Displays Rx Signal measurements.
VF: Displays VF level measurements. Press the submenu key a second time to select Channel number, Tx Frequency, Tx Level, and Volume.
Measure Time: Set up the measurement time period from 1 minute minimum to 3 days maximum.
Clear History: Clears the Event List and any of the red History indicators in the yellow highlighted area of the upper measurement display. History is updated each second.
BERT Histogram Display
Histogram Settings, Zoom In and Zoom Out
The zoom in and zoom out features can be used to change the resolution of the data in the histogram display at the cursor location. When the cursor passes the 10% and 90% time points of the histogram display, the time window starts scrolling back in time or ahead in time. If you need to see a detailed view of a fault occurrence, then you can use the Zoom In function to change the resolution to as small as 5 seconds per division. Maximum window size is 72 hours (6 hours/div). When more than 72 hours of data are collected, the last 72 hours are shown.
Window Size
The window size adjusts the length of time that is shown on the histogram screen. More data may be stored than is shown. This parameter allows you to zoom in or zoom out to see either more time on the screen or more resolution. The minimum (1 minute) window size value and maximum (3 days) window size value are based upon the data resolution that is selected with the zoom in and zoom out features.
Turning the rotary knob while in the Histogram view scrolls a vertical yellow marker line across the histogram graph.
Time Units
If Relative is selected (underlined on the submenu key label), then the histogram axis is labeled with time since the start of the measurement record. If Absolute is selected, then the histogram axis is labeled with absolute times based upon the system clock.