Backhaul Analyzer Measurement Guide : T1/T3 Analyzer (Option 53)  : T3 Measurements Menu : VF Menu
VF Menu
Key Sequence: Measurements > VF
VF Menu
This submenu key toggles VF transmission OFF and ON.
Channel #
This submenu key opens a dialog box to select a channel value from 1 (minimum) to 24 (maximum). Use the arrow keys, the rotary knob, or the numeric keys to enter a value, and then press Enter to continue, or press Esc to abort.
Tx Frequency
This submenu key opens a dialog box to select a frequency in Hz from 100 (minimum) to 3000 (maximum). Use the numeric keys to enter a value, or use the arrow keys or the rotary knob to select a default value, and then press Enter to continue, or press Esc to abort.
Tx Level
This submenu key opens a dialog box to select a Tx level in dBm from –30 (minimum) to 0 (maximum). Use the arrow keys, the rotary knob, or the numeric keys to enter a value, and then press Enter to continue, or press Esc to abort.
This submenu key opens a dialog box to set the volume from 0 (minimum) to 90 (maximum). Use the arrow keys, the rotary knob, or the numeric keys to enter a value in increments of 5, and then press Enter to continue, or press Esc to abort.
This submenu key toggles Audio Off and On.
Clear History
Press this submenu key to erase the history of displayed events and measurements. Also, clears any red History indicators in the Upper Status Window.
Press this submenu key to return to the T3 Measurements Menu.