Backhaul Analyzer Measurement Guide : T1/T3 Analyzer (Option 53)  : T3 Out‑of‑service Measurements : Quick Check
Quick Check
1. Press the Measurements main menu key to activate the Measurements menu.
2. Press the BERT submenu key to activate the BERT menu.
3. Press the DS1 Table or the DS3 Table submenu key to display the measurements in the table format.
4. Press the Start/Stop main menu key to activate the measurements. To stop the measurements, press the Start/Stop key again. If the results are acceptable, then RESULTS OK is displayed in a green box at the center of the screen. If any errors are detected, then the errors or the measurement results are displayed in the table.
RESULTS OK can be cleared by pressing Esc.
Histogram Display
1. Press the Measurements main menu key to activate the Measurements menu.
2. Press the BERT submenu key to activate the BERT menu.
3. Press the Histogram submenu key to display the data in Histogram format.
4. Press the Histogram submenu key again to open the Histogram submenu. Then press the Zoom In submenu key to zoom in by adjusting the horizontal (minutes/div) scale.
5. Press the Zoom Out submenu key to zoom out by adjusting the horizontal (minutes/div) scale.
6. Press the Time Units submenu key to toggle between Relative and Absolute time units.
7. Press the Window Size submenu key to set the time units of the histogram display.
Submenu keys for the Histogram menu are described in section T3 Measurements Menu.
To Insert Errors/Alarms
1. Press the Error/Alarm main menu key to activate the Error/Alarm menu.
2. Press the Error Ins Setup submenu key to open the Error Ins (Error Insert) submenu.
3. Select an error type from the submenu, as applicable to the measurement.
Bit Error
DS3 Frame Bit Error
If Bit Error is selected, then press the Bit Error key again to select a burst number between 1 and 1000 or a bit error rate of 1E–2, 1E–3, 1E–4, 1E–5, 1E–6, or 1E–7. Refer to Figure: One Possible T1 Network Topology. If another type of error is selected (BPV, DS3 Frame Bit, and so forth), then press that submenu key again to select a burst number between 1 and 1000.
4. Press the Alarm Ins Setup submenu key to insert an alarm. The 5 alarm types that are available are:
DS3 AIS Alarm
DS3 RAI Alarm
DS3 Idle alarm
DS1 AIS Alarm
DS1 RAI Alarm
5. Press the Alarm Insert Off/On submenu key to toggle the selected alarm between ON and OFF. The alarm status is displayed in the yellow Insert section of the upper measurement display.
6. After you have selected an error type and an alarm type, you can press the Alarm Insert and Error Insert submenu keys from the main Error/Alarm submenu in order to turn these functions ON and OFF.