This set of commands prepares the instrument for the selected measurement. It disables any currently-enabled measurements and activates the specified measurement. It sets the instrument to single sweep mode, waiting for an :INITiate command. It does not initiate the taking of a measurement.
Current instrument settings may be changed to default values. These changes are identified with their respective measurement commands.
(Only valid for Tracking Mode) This command configures the selected tracking generator power statistic measurement. It disables any other active one-button measurements, including CW, channel power, occupied bandwidth, AM/FM demodulation and C/I.
Sets the tracking generator measurement state to ON.
Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF).
Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:GENerator commands before initiating a sweep.
When the POWStats option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Shift-4 (Measure), then Generator, then Generator Output On, then Generator Mode Tracking, then Settings, then Power Statistics On. In this mode the :CONF? query would return TRAC,POWS.
When the TXStats option is selected, the Normalize state is set to ON and the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Shift-4 (Measure), then Generator, then Generator Output On, then Generator Mode Tracking, then Transmission Measurement, then Normalize On, then Transmission Statistics On. In this mode the :CONF? query would return TRAC,TXS.
Note: :CONFigure:GENerator:TRACking TXStats does not set the instrument to Single Sweep mode. :INIT:CONT OFF sets the instrument in single sweep mode.