Parameter Name | Description |
SN | Instrument serial # |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
UNITS | Amplitude units |
CENTER_FREQ | Center frequency |
SPAN | Frequency span |
FREQ_STEP | Frequency step size |
FREQUENCY_OFFSET | Frequency Offset |
OFFSET_STEP_SIZE | Offset Step Size |
OFFSET_CENTER_FREQ | Center Frequency with Frequency Offset |
OFFSET_START_FREQ | Start Frequency with Frequency Offset |
OFFSET_STOP_FREQ | Stop Frequency with Frequency Offset |
RBW | Resolution bandwidth |
RBW_TYPE | RBW coupling auto/manual |
VBW | Video bandwidth |
VBW_TYPE | VBW coupling auto/manual |
SPAN_RBW_RATIO | Span/RBW ratio |
INPUT_ATTEN | Input attenuation |
ATTEN_TYPE | Attenuation coupling auto/manual |
REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference level |
SCALE | Y‑axis scale |
PREAMP_SET | Preamp state |
REF_LEVEL_OFFSET | Reference level offset |
DETECTION | Detection type |
TRACE_AVERAGE | Number of traces to average |
SWEEP_TYPE | Single/continuous |
CURRENT_SIGNAL | Current signal index |
CURRENT_CHANNEL | Current signal channel |
TRACE_MODE | Normal/Avg/Max |
TRACE_STATUS | TRACE_A_VIEW_NOT_BLANK: 0x0000000000000001 TRACE_A_WRITE_NOT_HOLD: 0x0000000000000002 TRACE_A_DATA_VALID: 0x0000000000000004 TRACE_B_VIEW_NOT_BLANK: 0x0000000000010000 TRACE_B_WRITE_NOT_HOLD: 0x0000000000020000 TRACE_B_DATA_VALID: 0x0000000000040000 TRACE_C_VIEW_NOT_BLANK: 0x0000000100000000 TRACE_C_WRITE_NOT_HOLD: 0x0000000200000000 TRACE_C_DATA_VALID: 0x0000000400000000 TRACE_C_IS_B_MINUS_A_ON: 0x0000001000000000 TRACE_C_IS_A_MINUS_B_ON: 0x0000002000000000 |
TRACE_COUNT | Number of traces averaged |
UI_DATA_POINTS | Number of display points |
IMPEDANCE | Input impedance |
REFERENCE_FREQUENCY | Reference freq |
SET_SWEEP_TIME | Minimum sweep time setting |
TRIGGER_TYPE | Trigger type |
VIDEO_TRIGGER_LEVEL | Video trigger level |
TRIGGER_POSITION | Trigger position as a percent of the display |
PEAK_THRESHOLD | Marker peak search threshold |
MARKER_TABLE | Marker table status |
ACTIVE_ MEASUREMENT | Current measurement |
ANTENNA | Antenna index |
OCC_BW_METHOD | Occupied bandwidth method |
OCC_BW_PERCENT | Occupied bandwidth % of power setting |
OCC_BW_DBC | Occupied bandwidth dBc setting |
OCC_BW_MEASURED_ DB | Occupied bandwidth measured dBc value |
OCC_BW_MEASURED_ PERCENT | Occupied bandwidth measured % value |
OCC_BW_VALUE | Measured occupied bandwidth |
OCC_BW_LINE_ MARKER_INFO | Mask off 16 bits at a time to get the display point location of the 3 OBW display indicators |
CH_PWR_WIDTH | Channel power integration bandwidth |
CH_PWR_VALUE | Measured channel power |
CH_PWR_DENSITY | Measured channel power density |
CH_PWR_LINE_ MARKER_INFO | Mask off 16 bits at a time to get the display point location of the 2 channel power display indicators |
ACPR_MAIN_CH_BW | ACPR main channel bandwidth |
ACPR_ADJC_CH_BW | ACPR adjacent channel bandwidth |
ACPR_CHANNEL_ SPACING | ACPR channel spacing |
ACPR_MAIN_CH_PWR | ACPR measured main channel power |
ACPR_UPPER_CH_PWR | ACPR measured upper channel power |
ACPR_LOWER_CH_ PWR | ACPR measured lower channel power |
ACPR_LOWER_CH_ LINE_MARKER_INFO | Mask off 16 bits at a time to get the display point location of the 2 ACPR lower channel display indicators |
ACPR_MAIN_CH_LINE_ MARKER_INFO | Mask off 16 bits at a time to get the display point location of the 2 ACPR main channel display indicators |
ACPR_UPPER_CH_ LINE_MARKER_INFO | Mask off 16 bits at a time to get the display point location of the 2 ACPR upper channel display indicators |
AM_FM_DEMOD_VOL | AM/FM demod volume |
AM_FM_DEMOD_TYPE | AM/FM demod type |
AM_FM_DEMOD_TIME | AM/FM demod time |
AM_FM_LINE_ MARKER | Display point location of the demodulation frequency |
CI_C_TYPE | C/I measurement carrier type |
CI_C_VALUE | C/I measurement measured carrier power |
CI_I_BB_VALUE | C/I measurement measured broadband interference power |
CI_I_NB_VALUE | C/I measurement measured narrowband interference power |
CI_I_WB_VALUE | C/I measurement measured wideband interference power |
CI_BB_VALUE | C/I measurement with broadband interference |
CI_NB_VALUE | C/I measurement with narrowband interference |
CI_WB_VALUE | C/I measurement with wideband interference |
MKR_SPA_FREQNx | Marker x frequency (where x is the marker number 0–11, 0 represents the reference marker #1 and 1 represents delta marker #1, 2 represents reference marker #2, and 3 represents delta marker #2, and so on) |
MKR_SPA_POINTx | Reference marker x display point |
MKR_SPA_MAGNTx | Reference marker x magnitude |
MKR_SPA_PRCNTx | Reference marker x display percentage |
MKR_SPA_FLAGSx | Reference marker x flags: SPA_MKR_FLAG_ON_OFF: 0x00000001 SPA_MKR_FLAG_DELTA_MKR: 0x00000002 SPA_MKR_FLAG_SELECTED: 0x00000004 SPA_MKR_FLAG_DATA_INVALID: 0x00000008 SPA_MKR_FLAG_DATA_STALE: 0x00000010 SPA_MKR_FLAG_FIXED: 0x00000020 SPA_MKR_FLAG_MASK: 0x000000FF SPA_MKR_FLAG_DISPL_AMPL_HZ: 0x00000100 SPA_MKR_FLAG_DISPL_AMPL_PER_HZ: 0x00000200 SPA_MKR_FLAG_DISP_FLAG: 0x00000F00 SPA_MKR_FLAG_RELATIVE: 0x00001000 SPA_MKR_STANDARD: 0x10000000 SPA_MKR_FIELD_STRENGHT: 0x20000000 SPA_MKR_NOISE: 0x30000000 SPA_MKR_COUNTER: 0x40000000 SPA_MKR_TIME: 0x50000000 |
MKR_SPA_REF_TOx | Specifies marker to which marker x is the reference |
MKR_SPA_TRACex | Specifies which trace receives marker x |
LIM_LFLAGS_UP | Upper limit flags: LIMIT_FLAG_ON: 0x00000004 LIMIT_FLAG_ALARM_ON: 0x00000002 |
LIM_FREQNC_UPx | Upper limit point x freq (where x is the limit point number starting with 0) |
LIM_MAGNTD_UPx | Upper limit point x amplitude |
LIM_LFLAGS_LO | Lower limit flags: LIMIT_FLAG_ON: 0x00000004 LIMIT_FLAG_ALARM_ON: 0x00000002 |
LIM_FREQNC_LOx | Lower limit point x freq (where x is the limit point number starting with 0) |
LIM_MAGNTD_LOx | Lower limit point x amplitude |
EXTERNAL_ATTENUATION | Generator Matching Pads(3 dB) |
EXTERNAL_GAIN_LOSS | Generator External Gain/Loss Setting |
SG_FREQ | Generator CW Frequency |
TG_GEN_SELECT | Generator CW/Tracking Mode Selection |
TG_IL_ABS_AVG_PWR_VALUE | Generator Power Statistics (Average Value) |
TG_IL_ABS_MAX_PWR_VALUE | Generator Power Statistics(Max Value) |
TG_IL_ABS_MIN_PWR_VALUE | Generator Power Statistics (Min Value) |
TG_LEVEL_1 | Generator Output Power |
TG_S21_NORMALIZE_ON_OFF | Generator Normalize Measurement |
Parameter Name | Description |
SN | Instrument serial # |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data). |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
APP_MODE | Application Mode |
CHECKSUM | Checksum |
DIST_UNITS | Distance units |
AMPL_UNITS | y‑axis value units |
MEASUREMENT | Measurement |
1PORT_DOMAIN | 1‑Port Domain |
FREQ_START | Start Frequency |
FREQ_STOP | Stop Frequency |
DIST_START | Start distance |
DIST_STOP | Stop distance |
CAL_STATUS | Calibrate Status (On/Off) |
SWEEP_TIME | Sweep time |
SWEEP_TYPE | Sweep type (Single/Continuous) |
MARKER_SELECTED | The selected marker |
MARKER_TABLE | Marker table status (On/Off) |
TRACE_VIEW | Trace View (View/Blank) |
TRACE_STATE | Trace State (Write/Hold) |
WINDOWING | Windowing Type (Rectangular/Nominal Side Lobe/ Low Side Lobe/Minimum Side Lobe) |
CABLE | Cable index from the cable list |
PROP_VEL | Propagation velocity |
CABLE_LOSS | Cable Loss |
CW_STATUS | RF Immunity (On/Off) |
OUTPUT_POWER_LEVEL | Power Level (High/Low) |
CURRENT_SIGNAL_STD | Current signal standard |
RESOLUTION | Sweep Resolution (137/275/551) |
SCALE | Y‑axis scale |
RF_SOURCE_POWER_LEVEL | Source Power Level |
CAL_TEMP_WINDOW | Cal Temp window |
CAL_COEFFICIENT_PTR | Calibrate coefficient |
SMITH_CHART_TYPE | Smith chart type |
DISPLAY_CHANNELS | Display Channels |
ACTIVE_DISPLAY_CHANNEL | The current active display channel |
NUM_OF_CHANNELS | Channel number |
SEND_CAL_PROMPTS | Send Cal prompts |
SET_SWEEP_DATA_TYPE | Set sweep data type |
AVERAGING | Averaging |
DISP_CHANNELS | Display channels |
ACTIVE_DISP_CHANNEL | Active display channel |
DMAX | Dmax |
FAULT_RESOLUTION | Fault Resolution |
SUGGESTED_SPAN | Suggested span |
START_FREQ_STATUS | Start frequency status |
AVERAGING_FACTOR | Averaging Factor. |
AVERAGE_COUNT | Averaging count. |
SCALE_RESOLUTION_RL_DIST | S11 Log Magnitude Fault Location scale resolution |
SCALE_RESOLUTION_SWR | S11 VSWR scale resolution |
SCALE_RESOLUTION_SWR_DIST | S11 VSWR Fault Location scale resolution |
SCALE_RESOLUTION_CL | Cable loss Scale resolution |
SCALE_RESOLUTION_IL | IL scale resolution |
SCALE_RESOLUTION_IG | S21 Log Magnitude scale resolution |
SCALE_RESOLUTION_PHASE_S11 | S11 Phase scale resolution |
REFERENCE_VALUE_PHASE_S11 | S11 Phase reference value |
REFERENCE_LINE_PHASE_S11 | S11 Phase reference line |
RL_DIST_BOTTOM | DTF Return Loss Bottom Value |
RL_MAG_TOP | Return Loss Top Value |
RL_MAG_BOTTOM | Return Loss Bottom Value |
SWR_MAG_TOP | VSWR Top Value |
SWR_MAG_BOTTOM | VSWR Bottom Value |
CL_MAG_TOP | Cable Loss Top Value |
CL_MAG_BOTTOM | Cable Loss Bottom Value |
S11_PHASE_TOP | 1‑Port Phase Top Value |
S11_PHASE_BOTTOM | 1‑Port Phase Bottom Value |
MKR_REF_FREQNx | Reference marker x frequency (where x is the marker number 0–5) |
MKR_REF_FLAGSx | Reference marker x flags: MKR_FLAG_ON_OFF: 0x00000001 MKR_FLAG_DELTA_MKR: 0x00000020 MKR_FLAG_DATA_INVALID: 0x00000040 MKR_FLAG_DATA_STALE: 0x00000080 MKR_FLAG_SELECTED: 0x00000100 MKR_FLAG_DELT_DISPL_PER_HZ: 0x00000800 MKR_FLAG_TRACE_A: 0x00001000 MKR_FLAG_TRACE_B: 0x00002000 MKR_FLAG_TRACE_MASK: 0x00007000 |
MKR_DLT_FREQNx | Delta marker x frequency (where x is the marker number 0–5) |
MKR_DLT_FLAGSx | Delta marker x flags: |
LIM_NUMPTS_UP-1 | Number of upper limit points |
LIM_CURFRQ_UP-1 | Upper limit current frequency |
LIM_CURMAG_UP-1 | Upper limit current magnitude |
LIM_PFLAGS_UPx | Upper limit x flags (where x is the limit point number starting with 0) |
LIM_FREQNC_UPx | Upper limit point x freq (where x is the limit point number starting with 0) |
LIM_MAGNTD_UPx | Upper limit point x parameter (where x is the limit point number starting with 0) |
Parameter Name | Description |
SN | Instrument serial # |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data) |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
APP_MODE | Application Mode |
REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference Level |
CENTER_FREQ | Center freq |
SIGNAL_STANDARD | Current signal standard (the value is the index of the signal standard list, where a value of 1 is the first index in the list) |
CHANNEL | Current channel |
POWER_OFFSET | Applied power offset |
REFERENCE_FREQUENCY | Selected external reference frequency |
UNITS | Amplitude units |
CURRENT_VIEW | Current view |
CURRENT_MEASURMENTS | Current measurements |
DYNAMIC_ATTENUATION | Dynamic range on/off |
SPAN | Frequency span |
CURRENT_SPECTRUM_VIEW | Current spectrum view (single or multiple channel spectrum) |
I_Q_VIEW | IQ view |
RUN_HOLD | Run/Hold on/off |
MC_SPECTRUM_START_FREQ | Multi-channel spectrum start frequency |
MC_SPECTRUM_STOP_FREQ | Multi-channel spectrum stop frequency |
MC_CHANNEL_CURSOR | Multi-channel spectrum channel cursor (used for markers) |
MC_FREQ_CURSOR | Multi-channel spectrum frequency cursor (used for markers) |
TEST_MODEL | Current pass fail model being tested |
Parameter Name | Description |
SN | Instrument serial # |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data) |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
APP_MODE | Application Mode |
REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference Level |
UNITS | Amplitude units |
SCALE | Y axis scale |
CENTER_FREQ | Center freq |
SIGNAL_STANDARD | Current signal standard (the value is the index of the signal standard list, where a value of 0 is the first index in the list) |
CHANNEL | Current channel |
POWER_OFFSET | Applied power offset |
REFERENCE_FREQUENCY | Selected external reference frequency |
UNITS | Amplitude units |
CURRENT_VIEW | Current view |
CURRENT_MEASURMENTS | Current measurements |
DYNAMIC_ATTENUATION | Dynamic range on/off |
SPAN | Frequency span |
PVT_FRAME_START_TIME | Power vs. Time start time |
PVT_FRAME_STOP_TIME | Power vs. Time stop time |
BW_SELECT | Current Bandwidth (MHz) |
CURRENT_SPECTRUM_VIEW | Current spectrum view (single or multiple channel spectrum) |
I_Q_VIEW | IQ view |
RUN_HOLD | Run/Hold on/off |
TEST_MODEL | Current pass fail model being tested |
CP_RATIO | Cyclic Prefix Ratio (the value is the index of the CP Ratio list, where a value of 0 is the first index in the list) |
SPECTRUM_SPAN | Spectrum frequency span (the value is the index of the span list, where a value of 0 is the first index in the list |
AUTO_SPAN | Auto span on/off |
MAX_HOLD | Max hold on/off |
EVM_SUB_CARRIER_TOP | Y‑Axis Max for EVM vs. Symbol/Sub-Carrier |
EVM_SUB_CARRIER_SCALE | EVM vs. Symbol/Sub-Carrier scale |
SPECTRAL_FLATNESS_SCALE | Spectral Flatness scale |
ACPR_DISPLAY_GRAPH | Display ACPR trace on/off |
NUM_OF_ACPR_MAIN_CHANNELS | Number of main channels |
NUM_OF_ACPR_ADJC_CHANNELS | Number of adjacent channels |
CONSTELLATION_REFERENCE_POINTS | Constellation reference points on/off |
SPECTRAL_FLATNESS_TOP | Y‑Axis Max for Spectral Flatness |
SPECTRAL_FLATNESS_EVM_SUB_START | Spectral Flatness/EVM vs. sub-carrier start |
SPECTRAL_FLATNESS_EVM_SUB_STOP | Spectral Flatness/EVM vs. sub-carrier stop |
EVM_SYM_START | EVM vs. Symbol start |
EVM_SYM_STOP | EVM vs. Symbol stop |
Parameter Name | Description |
SN | Instrument serial # |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data) |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
APP_MODE | Application Mode |
CENTER_FREQ | Center frequency |
AUTO_SCRAMBLING_CODE | Auto scrambling code detection on/off |
SCRAMBLING_CODE | Selected manual scrambling code |
MAX_SPREADING_FACTOR | Maximum spreading factor |
REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference Level |
THRESHOLD | Active channel threshold |
CURRENT_MEASUREMENTS | Currently active measurements |
SCALE | Display scale (dB/division) |
POWER_OFFSET | Applied power offset |
SCCPCH_CODE | Selected S‑CCPCH channelization code |
PICH_CODE | Selected PICH channelization code |
CURRENT_VIEW | Current view |
CDP_ZOOM | Zoom range for code domain power |
CDP_ZOOM_START | Start code for zoom window |
REFERENCE_FREQUENCY | Reference Frequency |
SCCPCH_SPREAD_FCT | Selected S‑CCPCH spreading factor |
RUN_HOLD | Run/hold state |
EXT_REF_FREQ | Selected external reference frequency |
DYNAMIC_ATTENUATION | Dynamic range on/off |
ACLR_DISPLAY_GRAPH | Display ACLR trace on/off |
MARKER_TABLE | Marker table on/off |
OTA_AUTO_SC | OTA auto scrambling code on/off |
OTA_CODE_LOCK | OTA code lock on/off |
OTA_DISPLAY_VALUE | Selected OTA display value |
OTA_SORT_PARAM | Selected OTA sort parameter |
OTA_MANUAL_SC_1 | Selected manual scrambling code 1 |
OTA_MANUAL_SC_2 | Selected manual scrambling code 2 |
OTA_MANUAL_SC_3 | Selected manual scrambling code 3 |
OTA_MANUAL_SC_4 | Selected manual scrambling code 4 |
OTA_MANUAL_SC_5 | Selected manual scrambling code 5 |
OTA_MANUAL_SC_6 | Selected manual scrambling code 6 |
CODOGRAM_SINGLE_SWEEP_TIME | Single sweep time for codogram |
TEST_MODEL | Current pass fail model being tested |
CONSTELLATION_CODE | Code number for which IQ data are being displayed |
CONSTELLATION_SPREAD | Spreading factor of code for which IQ data are being displayed |
NUM_OF_ACLR_MAIN_CHANNELS | Number of main channels |
NUM_OF_ACLR_MAIN_CHANNELS | Number of adjacent channels |
BAND_SPECTRUM_START_FREQ | Band spectrum start frequency |
BAND_SPECTRUM_STOP_FREQ | Band spectrum stop frequency |
DL_CHANNEL_NUMBER | Currently selected band spectrum channel |
AUTO_THRESHOLD | Auto threshold value |
HSDPA_DEMOD_SINGLE_SWEEP_TIME | Single sweep time for hsdpa |
BAND_SPECTRUM_REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference level for band spectrum |
CONSTELLATION_PERSISTENCE | Persistence level for IQ data |
SIGNAL_STANDARD | Current Signal standard |
CHANNEL | Current channel |
CONSTELLATION_MARKER | Display location of the IQ marker |
RF_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker point number |
RF_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker on/off |
DEMOD_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker point number |
DEMOD_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker on/off |
CODOGRAM_MKR_POINT_1 | Codogram marker point number |
CODOGRAM_MKR_STATE_1 | Codogram marker on/off |
CODOGRAM_MKR_TIME_1 | Codogram marker time offset |
Parameter Name | Description |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data) |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
APP_MODE | Application Mode |
CENTER_FREQ | Center frequency |
REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference Level |
THRESHOLD | Active channel threshold |
CURRENT_MEASUREMENTS | Currently active measurements |
SCALE | Display scale (dB/division) |
SPAN | Span |
POWER_OFFSET | Applied power offset |
CURRENT_VIEW | Current view |
CDP_ZOOM | Zoom range for code domain power (16/32/64) |
CDP_ZOOM_START | Start code for zoom window |
REFERENCE_FREQUENCY | Reference Frequency |
RUN_HOLD | Run/hold state |
DYNAMIC_ATTENUATION | Dynamic range on/off |
MARKER_TABLE | Marker table on/off |
TEST_MODEL | Current pass fail model being tested |
NUM_OF_ACLR_MAIN_CHANNELS | Number of main channels |
NUM_OF_ACLR_ADJC_CHANNELS | Number of adjacent channels |
SIGNAL_STANDARD | Current Signal standard |
CHANNEL | Current channel |
CHANNEL_WIDTH | Channel width |
DATA_MODULATION | Data channel modulation type |
PN_OFFSET | PN offset |
WALSH_CODE | Walsh code (64/128) |
CDP_SCALE | Code Domain Power scale |
MEAS_SPEED | Measurement speed (Fast/Normal/Slow) |
PN_TYPE | PN trigger type (No Trig/GPS/Ext) |
PN_SEARCH_TYPE | PN search type (Auto/Manual) |
TRIGGER_POLARITY | Trigger polarity (Rising/Falling) |
PN_INCREMENT | PN increment |
SPUR_EMM_DISPLAY_POINTS | Number of Spurious Emission display points |
CDP_UNITS | Code Domain Power unit type (Relative/Absolute) |
USER_PWR_UNIT | Default unit (dBm/W/mW) |
BAND_CLASS | Band class |
USER_CARRIER_BW | Carrier bandwidth (1.23/1.24/1.25) |
RF_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker point number |
RF_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker on/off |
DEMOD_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker point number |
DEMOD_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker on/off |
Parameter Name | Description |
SN | Instrument serial # |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data) |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
APP_MODE | Application Mode |
CENTER_FREQ | Center frequency |
REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference Level |
THRESHOLD | Active channel threshold |
CURRENT_MEASUREMENTS | Currently active measurements |
SCALE | Display scale (dB/division) |
SPAN | Span |
POWER_OFFSET | Applied power offset |
CURRENT_VIEW | Current view |
CDP_ZOOM | Zoom range for code domain power (16/32/64) |
CDP_ZOOM_START | Start code for zoom window |
REFERENCE_FREQUENCY | Reference Frequency |
RUN_HOLD | Run/hold state |
DYNAMIC_ATTENUATION | Dynamic range on/off |
MARKER_TABLE | Marker table on/off |
TEST_MODEL | Current pass fail model being tested |
NUM_OF_ACLR_MAIN_CHANNELS | Number of main channels |
NUM_OF_ACLR_ADJC_CHANNELS | Number of adjacent channels |
SIGNAL_STANDARD | Current Signal standard |
CHANNEL | Current channel |
CHANNEL_WIDTH | Channel width |
DATA_MODULATION | Data channel modulation type |
PN_OFFSET | PN offset |
WALSH_CODE | Walsh code (64/128) |
POWER_TIME | Power vs. Time slot type |
CDP_SCALE | Code Domain Power scale |
SPUR_EMM_DISPLAY_POINTS | Number of Spurious Emission display points |
POWER_VS_TIME_THRESHOLD | Power vs. Time threshold |
MEAS_SPEED | Measurement speed (Fast/Normal/Slow) |
PN_TYPE | PN trigger type (No Trig/GPS/Ext) |
PN_SEARCH_TYPE | PN search type (Auto/Manual) |
TRIGGER_POLARITY | Trigger polarity (Rising/Falling) |
PN_INCREMENT | PN increment |
CDP_UNITS | Code Domain Power unit type (Relative/Absolute) |
POWER_VS_TIME_START | Power vs. Time start chip |
POWER_VS_TIME_STOP | Power vs. Time stop chip |
USER_PWR_UNIT | Default unit (dBm/W/mW) |
BAND_CLASS | Band class |
USER_CARRIER_BW | Carrier bandwidth (1.23/1.24/1.25) |
RF_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker point number |
RF_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker on/off |
DEMOD_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker point number |
DEMOD_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker on/off |
Parameter Name | Description |
UNIT_NAME | Instrument name |
TYPE | The data type (Setup or Data) |
DESCR | Trace name |
DATE | Trace date/time |
BASE_VER | Base FW version |
APP_NAME | Application name |
APP_VER | Application FW version |
APP_MODE | Application Mode |
CENTER_FREQ | Center frequency |
SIGNAL_STANDARD | Current Signal Standard |
CHANNEL | Current Signal Standard Channel |
SPAN | Span |
REFERENCE_LEVEL | Reference Level |
SCALE | Display Scale |
POWER_OFFSET | Applied power offset |
UNITS | 0 = dBm, 1 = Watts |
DYNAMIC_ATTENUATION | Dynamic range on/off |
REFERENCE_FREQUENCY | Reference Frequency |
OTA_DISPLAY_MODE | 0 = Code Scan, 1 = Tau Scan |
CURRENT_VIEW | Current view |
CURRENT_MEASUREMENTS | Currently active measurements |
POWER_TIME_VIEW | 0 = Sub‑Frame, 1 = Slot View |
POWER_VS_TIME_START | Start time |
POWER_VS_TIME_STOP | Stop time |
SLOT_NUMBER_SET | Slot number (7 = auto) |
SLOT_NUMBER_RETURN | Slot number |
Dynamic Range | 0 = Normal, 1 = Wide |
MARKER_TABLE | Marker table on/off |
NUM_OF_ACLR_MAIN_CHANNELS | Number of main channels |
NUM_OF_ACLR_ADJC_CHANNELS | Number of adjacent channels |
CHANNEL_WIDTH | Channel width |
SCRAMBLING_CODE_SET | Scrambling code (128 = auto) |
SCRAMBLING_CODE_SET_RETURN | Actual detected scrambling code |
SCRAMBLING_CODE_1 | Scrambling code 1 |
SCRAMBLING_CODE_2 | Scrambling code 2 |
SCRAMBLING_CODE_3 | Scrambling code 3 |
SCRAMBLING_CODE_4 | Scrambling code 4 |
SPREADING_FACTOR | Spread factor |
SYNC_DL_CODE_SET | Sync DL code (32 = auto) |
SYNC_DL_CODE_RETURN | Actual detected sync DL code set |
NUM_OF_CARRIERS | 0 = 1 carrier, 1 = 3 carriers |
MAX_USERS_SET | Max users set (0 = auto) |
MAX_USERS_RETURN | Max users detected |
UPLINK_SLOT_SWITCH_POINT | Uplink slot switch point set |
THRESHOLD | Threshold |
MEAS_SPEED | Measurement speed (Fast/Normal/Slow) |
TAU_OFFSET | Tau time offset |
TRIGGER_TYPE | Trigger type (No Trig/GPS/External) |
TRIGGER_POLARITY | Trigger polarity (Rising/Falling) |
TRIGGER_ACCURACY | Trigger accuracy |
WALSH_CODE | Walsh Code |
CDP_SCALE | CDP scale |
CDP_UNITS | CDP units (Absolute/Relative) |
DATA_MODULATION | Data Modulation (QPSK/8PSK/16QAM) |
DEMOD_MODE | Demod mode |
RUN_HOLD | Run/hold |
CODE_AUTOSAVE | Code autosave on/off |
TEST_MODEL | Current pass fail model being tested |
RF_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker point number |
RF_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | RF marker on/off |
DEMOD_MKR_POINT_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker point number |
DEMOD_MKR_STATE_[1]|2|3|4|5|6 | Code domain marker on/off |