Enables/disables the currently active limit line alarm. Setting the value to ON or 1 turns on the limit alarm. Setting the value to OFF or 0 turns off the limit alarm. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the currently selected limit line alarm is set to ON and returns 0 if OFF.
Parameter Type
Default Value
To turn off limit alarm:
:CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm OFF :CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm 0
To turn on limit alarm:
:CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm ON :CALCulate:LIMit:ALARm 1
Front Panel Access
Shift‑6 (Limit), Limit Alarm
Clear Selected Limit
Deletes all limit points for the currently active limit line.
Front Panel Access
Shift‑6 (Limit), Clear Limit
Add Limit Point
Adds a new limit point to the currently active limit line.
Turns the limit line ON or OFF. If the value is set to ON or 1, the currently selected limit line is ON. If the value is set to OFF or 0, the currently selected limit line is OFF. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the currently selected limit line is ON and returns a 0 if OFF.
Parameter Type
Default Value
To turn on the limit line:
:CALCulate:LIMit ON :CALCulate:LIMit:STATe ON :CALCulate:LIMit:STATe 1
To turn off the limit line:
:CALCulate:LIMit OFF :CALCulate:LIMit:STATe 0 :CALCulate:LIMit 0
Front Panel Access
Shift‑6 (Limit), Limit On/Off
Turn All Markers Off
Turns off all markers.
Front Panel Access
Marker, All Markers Off
Marker Table Data
Reports marker information similar to the Marker table. The response begins with an ASCII header. The header specifies the number of following bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. Parameters are returned in comma-delimited ASCII format. Each parameter is returned as “NAME=VALUE[UNITS].”
Turns the Marker Table on or off. Setting the value to ON turns on the marker table. Setting the value to OFF turns off the marker table.
Parameter Type
Default Value
To turn on marker table:
Front Panel Access
Marker, Marker Table
Delta Marker Read Delay Value
Reads the current delta time delay value for the specified delta marker. Note that this SCPI command is only applicable for DTF Return Loss and/or DTF VSWR measurements only.
Default Value
Default Unit
To measure the delta time delay of delta Marker 2:
Sets the location of the delta marker on the x-axis at the specified location <x-parameter> + the reference marker x-axis. <x-parameter> is defined in the current x-axis units. The query version of the command returns the location of the delta marker on the x-axis.
Default Unit
Current x-axis unit
If both the reference and delta marker #1 is currently at 1 GHz on the x-axis, send the command below to set the delta marker #1 to 2 GHz on the x-axis:
:CALCulate:MARKer1:DELTa:X 1GHz
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Delta
Delta Marker Read Y Value
Reads the current absolute Y value for the specified delta marker. The units are the units of the y-axis.
:CAL1Culate:MARKer3:DELTa ON :CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa 1 :CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa:STATe ON :CALCulate:MARKer3:DELTa:STATe 1
To turn off delta marker #6
Front Panel Access
Marker, Delta
Marker Peak Search
Puts the specified marker at the maximum value in the trace.
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Marker, Marker [1/2/3/4/5/6], Marker to Peak
Marker Read Delay Value
Reads the current time delay value of the specified marker. Note that this SCPI command is only applicable for DTF Return Loss and/or DTF VSWR measurements only.
Sets the location of the marker on the x-axis at the specified location. <x-parameter> is defined in the current x-axis units. The query version of the command returns the location of the marker on the x-axis. Note that the marker is snapped to the data point closest to the specified value. If the specified marker is not on, it is set to on.
Default Unit
Current x-axis unit
To set reference marker #2 to 1GHz on the x-axis:
:CALCulate:MARKer2:X 1GHz
To set reference marker #1 to 1.5 GHz on the x-axis:
Sets math operations on the currently selected measurement and the trace stored in memory. Note that there MUST be a trace stored in Memory. Setting the FUNCtion to NORMal is equivalent of setting the Trace Math to “No Trace Math” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to ADD is equivalent of setting the Trace Math to “Trace Plus Memory” on the front panel. Setting the FUNCtion to SUBTract is equivalent to setting the Trace Math to “Trace Minus Memory” on the front panel. The query version of the command returns the string “NORM” for no trace math, returns the string “ADD” for trace plus memory, and returns the string “SUBT” for trace minus memory.
Reports the maximum horizontal distance that can be analyzed in DTF. Note that the unit return is based on the current distance units.
Default Value
Dependent on instrument model number and frequency range.
Default Unit
Meters (m)
0.0 m to 1500 m
Fault Resolution
Reports the system’s ability to separate two closely spaced discontinuities in DTF measurements. Note that the return value is based on the current distance units.
Default Value
Dependent on instrument model number and frequency range.