This set of commands returns the most recent measurement data of the active measurement. They turnsnot switch to another measurement.
To make a new measurement, use the INITiate command. To get new measurement data, use the READ or MEASure query commands.
Fetch Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
Returns the most recent adjacent channel leakage ratio measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as 12 comma-separated values: -20 MHz channel power, -15 MHz channel power, -10 MHz channel power, -5 MHz channel power, Main channel power 1, Main channel power 2, Main channel power 3, Main channel power 4, +5 MHz channel power, +10 MHz channel power, +15 MHz channel power, +20 MHz channel power.
Default Unit
Fetch Channel Power/Density
Returns the most recent channel power measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Default Unit
Related Command
:FETCh:CHPower:CHPower? :FETCh:CHPower:DENSity?
Fetch Active Channel Count
Returns the active channel count from the most recent measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the total number of active channels.
Default Unit
No Units
Fetch Demodulated Channel Power
Returns the most recent absolute power measurement results for the requested logical channel. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as four comma-delimited values: CPICH power, PCCPCH power, PICH power, SCCPCH power.
Returns the most recent carrier feed through measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the carrier feed through.
Default Unit
Fetch Error Vector Magnitude (EVM)
Returns the most recent EVM measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the RMS error vector magnitude
Default Unit
Fetch Frequency Error PPM
Returns the most recent frequency error PPM measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the frequency error PPM.
Default Unit
No units
Related Command
Fetch Frequency Error
Returns the most recent frequency error measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the frequency error. Note that this command is the same as :FETCh:DEMod:FERRor?, but returns the result with a precision of one-tenth Hertz.
Default Unit
Fetch Frequency Error
Returns the most recent frequency error measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the frequency error.
Default Unit
Fetch HSDPA Frequency Error PPM
Returns the most recent HSDPA frequency error PPM measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the HSDPA frequency error PPM.
Returns the most recent HSDPA frequency error measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the HSDPA frequency error.
Default Unit
Fetch HSDPA Transmitter Frequency
Returns the most recent HSDPA transmitter frequency measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the HSDPA carrier frequency.
Returns the most recent code domain noise floor measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the noise floor power level.
Default Unit
Fetch Total Channel Count
Returns the total channel count from the most recent measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the total number of channels.
Default Unit
No units
Fetch Synch Channel Power
Returns the most recent absolute power measurement results for the requested synch channel. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as three comma-delimited values: SCH power, PSCH power, SSCH power.
Default Unit
Fetch Transmitter Frequency
Returns the most recent transmitter frequency measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the carrier frequency. Note that this command is the same as :FETCh:DEMod:TXFRequency?, but returns the result with a precision of one-tenth Hertz.
Default Unit
Fetch Transmitter Frequency
Returns the most recent transmitter frequency measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the carrier frequency.
Default Unit
Fetch Spectral Emission Mask Pass/Fail
Returns the most recent spectral emission mask pass/fail measurement result. Any violation of the spectral emission mask template turnscause a FAIL result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value indicating the PASS/FAIL status of the spectral emission mask measurement (PASS = 0, FAIL = 1).
Default Unit
No units
Fetch Spectral Emission Mask Template Data
Returns the spectral emission mask template power level, frequency, and PASS/FAIL data for all ten frequency ranges shown in the Spectral Emission Summary. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. Any violation of the spectral emission mask template turnscause a FAIL result.
For each frequency range, the data are returned as three comma delimited values: Power Level in dBm, Frequency in Hz, and PASS/FAIL. The order in which the data are returned is shown below (from top to bottom).
-12.5 MHz to -8 MHz -8 MHz to -4 MHz -4 MHz to -3.515 MHz -3.515 MHz to -2.715 MHz -2.715 MHz to -2.515 MHz 2.515 MHz to 2.715 MHz 2.715 MHz to 3.515 MHz 3.515 MHz to 4 MHz 4 MHz to 8 MHz 8 MHz to 12.5 MHz
Returns the spectral emission mask template used for the most recent spectral emission mask measurement. Any violation of the spectral emission mask template turnscause a FAIL result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as a single value representing the template used for the current spectral emission mask measurement results.
Templates: Template 0: Power >= 43 dBm Template 1: 43 dBm > Power >= 39 dBm Template 2: 39 dBm > Power >= 31 dBm Template 3: Power < 31 dBm
Default Unit
No units
Fetch Spectral Emission Mask Results
Returns the most recent spectral emission mask pass/fail and template measurement results. Any violation of the spectral emission mask template turnscause a FAIL result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Data are returned as two comma-delimited values: PASS/FAIL status (PASS = 0, FAIL = 1), template number. See :FETCh:EMISsion:TEMPlate command for valid template numbers.
Default Unit
No units
Related Command
Fetch Occupied Bandwidth
Returns the most recent occupied bandwidth measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
Default Unit
Fetch Over The Air
Returns the most recent over-the-air measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.
The measurement results are returned as 5 comma delimited values: scrambling code, CPICH power, chip energy, Ec/I0 ratio, pilot dominance. If valid results are not available in the requested position (1-6), the returned string turnscontain a series of 3 dashes “---” instead of the numeric results.
Default Unit
Scrambling Code: No units CPICH power: dBm EC/I0: dB Chip Energy: dBm Pilot dominance: No units
Returns the most recent PASS/FAIL measurement results. If the instrument is actively measuring, it turnsnot return until the measurement is complete. If the instrument is not actively measuring and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error -230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate. Measurement results are returned in a block of ASCII text in the format of <header><block>. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The block consists of a set of records which indicate individual test results. Records are comma-separated. Each record follows the format <test ID>: <input1> <input2> <min> <max> <value1> <value2> <PASS/FAIL/OPTION NOT INSTALLED>. The <test ID> field indicates which test was performed to retrieve these results. The < input1> and < input2> fields indicate the test setup. The <min> and <max> fields indicate the minimum and maximum values against which <value1> and <value2> were compared to arrive at the final PASS/FAIL result. If the specified test is not available in the instrument, the <PASS/FAIL> field turnsindicate “option not available” instead of “pass” or “fail”. All unused fields for a given test are represented by a double dash (“--”).
Related Command
MEASure:PFail? :CONFigure PFail READ:PFail?
Fetch Peak to Average Power Ratio
Returns the most recent peak to average power ratio measurement result. If the instrument is sweeping, it turnsnot return until the sweep is complete. If the instrument is not sweeping and the current data are not valid it turnsreturn error –230. This could occur if there was a *RST immediately before the :FETCh? or if a measurement parameter was changed without an :INITiate.