General Information : General Information : Secure‑Environment Workplace

Secure‑Environment Workplace
This section describes the Option 7 and Frequency Blanking, types of memory in the Spectrum Master, how to delete stored user files in internal memory, and recommended usage in a secure‑environment workplace.
Option 7, Secure Data
Option 0007, Secure Data will set the instrument to only allow saving information to an external USB flash drive. Saving to the internal memory is disabled.
Note that even with Option 7 enabled, operating parameters (such as frequency range and power level) that are set by the user are stored in the Spectrum Master EEPROM when the Spectrum Master is turned OFF. These parameters can be erased, however, via a Master Reset operation, as described later in this chapter.
Frequency Blanking
Option 7 allows the user to hide the displayed frequency values. Frequency values displayed on the screen and menus are replaced with ##.####. To enable frequency blanking press the Shift key, then the System (8) key. Press the System Options submenu key, then the Reset submenu key. Press the Frequency Blanking submenu key so that On is underlined. Setting Frequency Blanking back to Off will preset the instrument to factory default settings.
After frequency blanking is enabled the user is not able to restore the frequency readouts. Following is a list of the security measures that have been taken to protect the frequency information after Frequency Blanking is turned on.
Frequency blanking is available only with Option 7 to ensure that user files and calibration files are not stored in the internal memory of the instrument.
Note that when Frequency Blanking is turned on user files can still be stored and saved to an external USB drive, and that frequency information is not blanked in those files. Also, frequency information is not blanked from the SCPI commands that are used to remotely control the instrument.
Spectrum Master Memory Types
The instrument contains non‑volatile disk‑on‑a‑chip memory, EEPROM, and volatile DRAM memory. The instrument does not have a hard disk drive or any other type of volatile or non‑volatile memory.
This memory stores the model number, serial number, and calibration data for the instrument. Also stored here are the user‑set operating parameters, such as frequency range. During the master reset process, all operating parameters that are stored in the EEPROM are set to standard factory default values.
RAM Memory
This is volatile memory that is used to store parameters that are needed for the normal operation of the instrument along with current measurements. This memory is reset whenever the instrument is restarted.
External USB Flash Drive (not included with the instrument)
This memory may be selected as the destination for saved measurements and setups for the instrument. You can also copy the contents of the internal disk‑on‑chip memory to the external flash memory for storage or data transfer. The external Flash USB can be reformatted or sanitized using software on a PC.
Refer to the “File Management” for additional information about saving and copying files to the USB flash drive.
Erase All User Files in Internal Memory
Perform a Master Reset:
Press the Shift button then the System (8) button.
Press the System Options submenu key.
Press the Reset key, then the Master Reset key.
A dialog box will be displayed on the screen warning that all settings will be returned to factory default values, and that all user files will be deleted. This deletion is a standard file delete and does not involve overwriting exiting information.
Press the Enter button to complete the master reset.
Recommended Usage in a Secure Environment
The Spectrum Master does not currently provide a secure erase feature. In environments where data security is an issue, Anritsu Company recommends that you store your Spectrum Master‑created files on an external USB Flash drive that is then securely retained, sanitized, or destroyed after use.
To set the Spectrum Master to save files to an external USB Flash drive:
Press the Shift button then the File (7) button.
Press the Save submenu key.
Press the Change Save Location and using the arrow keys or rotary knob, select the location on the USB drive where the files are to be saved.
Press the Set Location submenu key.
Press Esc to clear the Save dialog box.
The external USB drive location is now the default location for saving files.
For USB storage, Anritsu recommends P/N 2000‑1520‑R USB Flash Drive. Not all after‑market USB drives are compatible with the instrument. Many drives come with a second partition that contains proprietary firmware. This partition must be removed. Only one partition is allowed. Refer to the individual manufacturer for instructions on how to remove it. Some drives can be made to work by reformatting them using the FAT32 format.

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Anritsu Company
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