General Information : High Accuracy Power Meter : General Measurement Setup : Changing the Scale of the Analog Display

Changing the Scale of the Analog Display
Press the Amplitude main menu key.
Press the Auto Scale submenu key to align the power meter needle in the middle of the analog display. The maximum and minimum values align accordingly.
Press the Max submenu key and use the arrow keys, rotary knob, or numeric key pad to manually set the maximum value of the analog display.
Press the Min submenu key and use the arrow keys, rotary knob, or numeric key pad to manually set the minimum value of the analog display.
With no offset, the maximum value for the display is the upper measurement range, which is + 20 dBm. With an offset, such as with 10 dB of attenuation, the upper value can be set to + 30 dBm. With an offset of xx dB, the upper value can be set to + 20 dBm plus xx dB.

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Anritsu Company
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