Spectrum Analyzer : Sweep Menu

Sweep Menu
Key Sequence: Shift > Sweep (3) key
This submenu key toggles between continuous sweep and single sweep. In single sweep mode, the results of a sweep are displayed on the screen while the instrument awaits a trigger event to start a new sweep.
When Sweep is set to Single, Sweep Once triggers a single measurement sweep. This key has no function when the instrument is in continuous sweep mode.
Sweeps the number of times set using the # of Averages button under the Trace A Ops menu. Trace A must be set to Averaging (Shift > Trace (5) key > Trace A Operations > Average->Trace A) for this menu to function. Each trace is displayed using the exponential average of each sweep.
Sweep Mode (Only available on some models):
When Off, the measurement sweeps the time set in Sweep Time. When On, the instrument calculates a minimum sweep time and uses it for all subsequent sweeps.
Gated Sweep Setup (Option 90 Only)

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