This submenu controls the setup and display of the emission mask. The emission mask is an upper segmented limit line. It must have more than two nodes, which mean at least two segments. The spectrum emission mask measurement includes the in-band and out-of-band emissions.
Emission Mask On/Off: Turns On/Off the Emission Mask graph and table display.
Recall Limit as Emission Mask: Opens a folder of limit lines to select a limit line for use as the Emission Mask.
Ref Power Peak/Channel: Press to display the Reference Power as Peak or Channel. When Channel is selected, the Reference Power value is the integral of the individual peaks within the channel.
Channel Width: Channel Width is set within the Signal Standard. Use this button to adjust the width as desired.
Peak Marker On/Off: Turning on this feature displays a peak marker within an Emission Mask segment. For example, if the Emission Mask had seven segments then there would be seven peak markers. Passing markers are light blue in color while peak markers that exceed the mask limit turn red.
Back: Returns to the Measure 2/2 menu.