LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : NXDN Commands : :READ Subsystem
:READ Subsystem
This set of commands combines the ABORt, INITiate and FETCh commands. It aborts any current triggering sequence and sets the trigger state to idle. It then initiates a new active measurement (for example, begins the collection of new data). When the measurement is complete, it returns the result. These commands will not switch to another measurement.
To prepare for a new measurement, use the CONFigure command. To get the current measurement data, use the FETCh command.
Triggers a new NXDN Coverage measurement and returns the numerical results. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:COVerage? NXDN Coverage must be the active measurement (specified by :CONFigure:COVerage). The current measurement can be queried using :CONFigure?
Data are returned as seven comma-separated values in the following order and format:
RSSI (dBm as float)
BER (% as float)
Mod Fid (% as float)
Latitude (radian as float)
Longitude (radian as float)
UTC Date (month/day/year as char)
UTC Time (hour:minute:second as char)
The instrument returns “--” for each value with invalid measurement data.
Cmd Parameters:
Query Parameters:
Default Value
Default Unit
To read NXDN Coverage numerical data:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Triggers a new NXDN Analyzer measurement and returns the numerical results. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:SIGAnalyzer?
NXDN Analyzer must be the active measurement (specified by :CONFigure:SIGAnalyzer). The current measurement can be queried using :CONFigure? Data are returned as seven comma-separated values in the following order and format:
Received Power (dBm as float or Watts as long long int or Volts as long long int)
Frequency Error (Hz as float)
Mod Fid (% as float)
BER (% as float)
Symbol Dev (Hz as float)
RAN (hex)
Symbol Rate Error (Hz as float)
The instrument returns “--” for each value with invalid measurement data.
The received power will be returned in the unit that is selected through the Rx Units button on the front panel or with the command: UNIT:POWer:RX. If the receiver unit has been set to dBm, the received power is returned in dBm. If the unit is set to Watts, the received power is returned in fW (10-15 W). If the unit is set to Volts, the received power is returned in fV (10-15 V).
Note: This command is not affected by the squelch level set using the front panel.
Cmd Parameters:
Query Parameters:
Default Value
Default Unit
To read NXDN Analyzer numerical data:
Related Command
Front Panel Access