LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : Spectrum Analyzer Commands : :MMEMory Subsystem
:MMEMory Subsystem
The Mass Memory subsystem contains functions that provide access to the instrument’s setup and data storage.
:MMEMory:LOAD:LIMit <filename>
Recall Limit
Recalls a previously stored limit from the current save location. The saved limit setting to be loaded is specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should contain a file extension “.lim”. Note that the trace specified by <filename> should be available at the current save location. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. File Extension: “.lim”
To recall trace with file name “limit”
:MMEMory:LOAD:LIMit “limit.lim”
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-7 (File), Recall
:MMEMory:LOAD:STATe <integer>,<filename>
Recall Setup
Recalls a previously stored instrument setup in the current save location. The setup file to be loaded is specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should contain a file extension “.stp”. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a 1.
<integer>, <filename>
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-7 (File), Recall
:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe <integer>,<filename>
This command requires front panel access to select the trace and to complete the command.
Recall Measurement
The instrument must be in the mode of the saved trace in order to recall that trace. Use :INSTrument:SELect or :INSTrument:NSELect to set the mode. Recalls a previously stored measurement trace from the current save location. The saved measurement trace to be loaded is specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should contain a file extension. Note that the trace specified by <filename> should be available at the current save location. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a 1.
File name extensions:
.stp” for Setup
.spa” for SPA measurement
.mna” for VNA and VVM measurements
.hipm” for HiPM measurements.
.pm” for PM measurements.
.cwsg” for CWSG measurements.
.afp” for AM/FM/PM measurements
.ia” for Interference Analysis measurements
.cs” for Channel Scanner measurements
.wmxd” for WiMAX
.wmxe” for Mobile WiMAX
.lte” for LTE Analyzer measurements
.tdlte” for TDD LTE Analyzer measurements
.p25” for P25 Analyzer measurements
.p252” for P25p2 Analyzer measurements
.nxdn” for NXDN Analyzer measurements
.dpmr” for dPMR Analyzer measurements
.dmr2” for DMR Analyzer measurements
.ptc” for PTC-ITCR Analyzer measurements
.acses” for PTC ACSES measurements
.nbfm” for NBFM Analyzer measurements
.tetra” for TETRA Analyzer measurements
To recall trace with file name “trace”:
:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe 1,”trace.spa”
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-7 (File), Recall Measurement
:MMEMory:STORe:LIMit <filename>
Save Limit
Stores the current limit setup into the file specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should not contain a file extension. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location.
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-7 (File), Save
:MMEMory:STORe:STATe <integer>,<filename>
Save Setup
Stores the current setup into the file specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should not contain a file extension. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a value of 0.
<integer>, <filename>
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-7 (File)
:MMEMory:STORe:TRACe <integer>,<filename>
Save Measurement
Stores the trace into the file specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should not contain a file extension. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a 0. Note that existing files of the same name will not be overwritten.
<integer>, <filename>
To save the trace into the file name “trace”:
:MMEMory:STORe:TRACe 0,”trace”
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-7 (File), Save