LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : Fixed WiMAX Commands : :FETCh Subsystem
:FETCh Subsystem
This set of commands returns the most recent measurement data of the active measurement. They do not switch to another measurement.
To make a new measurement, use the INITiate command. To get new measurement data, use the READ or MEASure query commands.
Fetch Constellation
Returns the constellation of the demodulated data symbol over one frame measurement results.
Data are returned as eight comma-delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %, RCE (rms) in dB, RCE (pk) in dB, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in MHz, Freq Error in ppm, and the Base Station ID. “--” is returned for each data that are not valid at that instance.
Fetch EVM vs. Sub Carrier
Returns the EVM vs. Sub Carrier measurement results.
Data are returned as eight comma-delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %,
RCE (rms) in dB, RCE (pk) in dB, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in MHz, Freq Error in ppm, and the Base Station ID. “--” is returned for each data that are not valid at that instance.
Fetch EVM vs. Symbol
Returns the EVM vs. Symbol measurement results.
Data are returned as eight comma-delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %,
RCE (rms) in dB, RCE (pk) in dB, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in MHz, Freq Error in ppm, and the Base Station ID. “--” is returned for each data that are not valid at that instance.
Fetch Spectral Flatness
Returns the absolute delta of the power between adjacent sub carriers in dB. “--” is returned for data that are not valid at that instance.
Returns the most recent PASS/FAIL measurement results. Measurement results are returned in a block of ASCII text in the format of <header><block>. The ASCII header specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in the <block>. The block consists of a set of records which indicate individual test results. Records are comma-separated. Each record follows the format <test ID>: <input1> <input2> <min> <max> <value1> <value2> <PASS/FAIL/OPTION NOT INSTALLED>. The <test ID> field indicates which test was performed to retrieve these results. The < input1> and < input2> fields indicate the test setup. The <min> and <max> fields indicate the minimum and maximum values against which <value1> and <value2> were compared to arrive at the final PASS/FAIL result. If the specified test is not available in the instrument, the <PASS/FAIL> field indicates “option not available” instead of “pass” or “fail”. All unused fields for a given test are represented by a double dash (“--”). To receive valid measurements, the Pass/Fail measurement must be the active. The current measurement can be queried using CONFigure? Use the :CONFigure PFail command to set Pass/Fail as the active measurement.
Related Command
:CONFigure PFail
Fetch Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Returns the most recent adjacent channel power ratio measurement results.
Data are returned as 11 comma-delimited values: The Channel Power in dBm, relative adjacent channel 1 power level, absolute adjacent channel 1 power level, relative adjacent channel 2 power level, absolute adjacent channel 2 power level, relative adjacent channel 3 power level, absolute adjacent channel 3 power level, relative adjacent channel 4 power level, absolute adjacent channel 4 power level, relative adjacent channel 5 power level, and absolute adjacent channel 5 power level. The relative adjacent channel power level is in dB and the absolute adjacent channel power level is in dBm. “--” is returned for each data that are not valid at that instance.
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF Measurements, ACPR
Fetch Power vs. Time
Returns the most recent WiMAX 802.16-2004 OFDM signal over approximately one frame time domain measurement results.
Data are returned as four comma-delimited values: The Channel Power in dBm, Preamble power in dBm, burst power of data bursts in dBm, and the Crest Factor in dB. “--” is returned for each data that are not valid at that instance.
Fetch RF Spectrum
Returns the most recent RF Spectrum measurement results.
Data are returned as two comma-delimited values: Channel Power(RSSI) in dBm and Occupied bandwidth measurement in MHz. “--” is returned for each data that are not valid at that instance.
Related Command
:CONFigure:RF SPECtrum
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF Measurements, Spectrum