LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : Mobile WiMAX Commands : :TRACe Subsystem
:TRACe Subsystem
This subsystem contains commands related to the transfer of trace data to and from the instrument.
:TRACe:PREamble? <trace type>
Trace Header Transfer
Returns trace header information for the specified trace. The <trace type> must be one of the following: SPECtrum|PVTime|ACPR|CONStln|SFLatness|EVSCarrier|EVSYmbol
Data can be transferred to and from the 7 available display trace types. Use the commands in the MMEMory subsystem to store and recall traces from the instrument memory. The response begins with an ASCII header. The header specifies the number of following bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. Parameters are returned in comma-delimited ASCII format. Each parameter is returned as “NAME=VALUE[ UNITS],” Valid parameter names are shown inTable: Available Parameters in WiMAX and Mobile WiMAX Mode.
<trace type>
Related Command
:TRACe[:DATA]? <trace type>
Trace Data Transfer
This command transfers trace data from the instrument to the controller. The <trace type> must be one of the following: SPECtrum|PVTime|CONStln|SFLatness|EVSCarrier|EVSYmbol.
The format of the block data in the query form is specified by :FORMat:DATA. The block data in the command form is always sent in ASCII format. The response begins with an ASCII header that specifies the number of data bytes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes that follow the header. Each data-point is separated by a comma delimiter. Trace setup information can be acquired using :TRACe[:DATA]:PREamble?
Use the commands in the MMEMory subsystem to store and recall traces from the instrument memory. Except for CONStln there is only one value per data-point. If max hold is set to ON for SPECtrum and EVM vs. Sub Carrier then the max hold value is returned. For CONStln, each data-point is represented by 3 values 4 bytes each: IData (no units), QData (no units), and the constellation type (no units). For SPECtrum and PVTime unit is in dBm. For Spectral Flatness unit is in dB. For EVM vs Sub Carrier and EVM vs Symbol unit is in percent. Note that the instrument must be set in the selected view. Use the CONFigure command to set the unit to the selected view.
<trace type>
Related Command