LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : LTE Commands : :MEASure Subsystem
:MEASure Subsystem
These commands take the instrument from its current state, enable the specified measurement and put the instrument into single sweep mode. They correct any parameters that are invalid given the new measurement state such that a valid measurement can take place. Other settings may be changed; see the documentation of CONFigure for each measurement. They then initiate the measurement. When the measurement is complete, they return the result.
To make a measurement with settings other than the “default” measurement settings applied by CONFigure, do the following:
Send the appropriate CONFigure command to set the desired measurement.
Modify the settings as required.
Send the appropriate READ command to measure and return the result.
To get the current measurement data, use the appropriate FETCh command.
Measure Tx Time Alignment Data (4x4 MIMO configuration)
Sets the active measurement to Tx Time Alignment, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement, and returns the measured values. This command may not be supported if your instrument is loaded with older firmware, in which case you may upgrade to the current firmware version or use the :MEASure:DEMod:TIMEalign? command, instead. Refer to your instrument User Guide for instructions on updating firmware.
Data are returned as 14 comma‑delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %, Ref Signal (RS) Power in dBm, Sync Signal (SS) Power in dBm, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in Hz, and Freq Error in ppm, and Cell ID. “--” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Tx Time Alignment
Read Modulation Control Channel Power Data
Sets the active measurement to Control Channel Power, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement, and returns the measured values: RS_POWER, PSS_POWER, SSS_POWER, BCH_POWER, CFI_POWER, RS_TOTAL_POWER, PSS_TOTAL_POWER, SSS_TOTAL_POWER, BCH_TOTAL_POWER, CFI_TOTAL_POWER, TOTAL_POWER, TOTAL_CHANNEL_POWER. Data returned is the same for Bar Graph or Table mode. The Control Channel Power measurement must be the active measurement.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Control Channel Power
Measure Constellation
Triggers a new Constellation measurement and returns the results. The Constellation measurement must be the active measurement (specified by :CONFigure:DEMod CONStln). The current measurement can be queried using the command :CONFigure?
Data are returned as 10 comma‑delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %, Ref Signal (RS) Power in dBm, Sync Signal (SS) Power in dBm, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in Hz, Freq Error in ppm, Cell ID, the number of measurements used in the frequency error average (if on), and OSTP (OFDM Symbol Transmit Power) in dBm. “--” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Constellation
Measure Tx Time Alignment Data
Sets the active measurement to Tx Time Alignment, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement, and returns the measured values.
Data are returned as nine comma‑delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %, Ref Signal (RS) Power in dBm, Sync Signal (SS) Power in dBm, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in Hz, and Freq Error in ppm, and Cell ID. “--” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Tx Time Alignment
Measure OTA Coverage Mapping
Sets the active measurement to OTA Coverage Mapping, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement, and returns the measured values.
Data are returned in six sets of comma‑delimited values. Each set consists of: Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, S‑SS Power, RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR.
Following the six sets of data are a final value for the Dominance. “‑‑” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Default Unit
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Over‑the‑Air, Mapping
Coverage Mapping Data Collection
Turns On/Off the coverage mapping data collection. The instrument must be in Mapping measurement mode for the command to be effective.
No data are returned.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Over‑the‑Air, Mapping, Start/Stop Data Collection (Main menu key)
Measure OTA Scanner
Sets the active measurement to OTA Scanner, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement, and returns the measured values.
Data are returned in six sets of comma‑delimited values. Each set consists of: Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, S‑SS Power, RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR.
Following the six sets of data are a final value for the Dominance. “‑‑” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Default Unit
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Over‑the‑Air, Scanner
Measure OTA Tx Test
Sets the active measurement to OTA Tx Test, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement, and returns the measured values.
Data are returned in three sets of comma‑delimited values. Each set consists of: Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, S‑SS Power, RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR.
Following the three sets of data are an additional set of four results: Dominance, Antenna count, Average Power, and Delta Power.
“‑‑” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Default Unit
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Over‑the‑Air, Tx Test
Measure Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
Sets the active measurement to adjacent channel power ratio, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the main channel(s) power, and adjacent channel(s) power. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:RF ACLR and :READ:RF:ACLR? Refer to :READ:RF:ACLR? for a description of the returned data.
Default Unit
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, ACLR
Measure Spectral Emission Mask
Sets the active measurement to Spectral Emission Mask and returns a PASS or FAIL result.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, Spectral Emission Mask
Measure RF Spectrum
Sets the active measurement to Channel Spectrum, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the Channel Power and Occupied Bandwidth measurement results. It is a combination of the following command :CONFigure:RF SPECtrum and :READ:RF:SPECtrum?. Data are returned as 2 comma‑delimited values: Channel Power in dBm and Occupied bandwidth in MHz.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, Channel Spectrum