LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : TDD LTE Commands : :FETCh Subsystem
:FETCh Subsystem
This set of commands returns the most recent measurement data of the active measurement. They do not switch to another measurement.
To make a new measurement, use the INITiate command. To get new measurement data, use the READ or MEASure query commands.
Fetch Demodulator Code Domain Power Data
Returns the most recent Control Channel Power measurement numeric results.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Control Channel Power
Fetch Constellation
Returns the constellation measurement numeric results of the demodulated data symbol over one sub‑frame measurement. Instrument must be in constellation mode for this query to return values.
Data are returned as 10 comma‑delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %, Ref Signal (RS) Power in dBm, Sync Signal (SS) Power in dBm, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in Hz, Freq Error in ppm, Cell ID, the number of measurements used in the frequency error average (if on), and OSTP (OFDM Symbol Transmit Power) in dBm.
“--” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Constellation
Fetch Power vs Resource Block Data
Returns the PVRB measurement results of the demodulated data.
Data are returned as a string of comma‑delimited values: Active RBs, Utilization in %, Channel Power in dBm, OSTP (OFDM Symbol Transmit Power) in dBm, EVM total in %, EVM (QPSK) in %, EVM (16‑QAM) in %, EVM (64‑QAM) in %, Cell ID.
If Option 886 is installed and activated on the instrument, a value for EVM (256‑QAM) in % is returned at the end of the PVRB data string. This value does not immediately follow EVM (64‑QAM) in order to maintain backward compatibility with instruments where Option 886 is not installed.
“--” is returned if the TDD LTE carrier does not use 256‑QAM modulation scheme.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Power vs Resource Block
Fetch Tx Time Alignment Data
Returns the most recent Time Alignment measurement numeric results.
Data are returned as nine comma‑delimited values: EVM (rms) in %, EVM (pk) in %, Ref Signal (RS) Power in dBm, Sync Signal (SS) Power in dBm, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Freq Error in Hz, Freq Error in ppm, Cell ID, and Time Alignment Error (TAE) in nanoseconds.
“--” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Modulation, Tx Time Alignment
Fetch OTA Coverage Mapping
Returns the most recent Coverage Mapping measurement results.
Data are returned in six sets of comma‑delimited values. Each set consists of: Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, S‑SS Power, RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR.
Following the six sets of data are a final value for the Dominance.
“‑‑” is returned for each datum that is not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Over‑the‑Air, Mapping
Fetch OTA Scanner
Returns the most recent OTA Scanner measurement results.
Data are returned in six sets of comma‑delimited values. Each set consists of: Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, S‑SS Power, RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR.
Following the six sets of data are a final value for the Dominance.
“‑‑” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Over‑the‑Air, Scanner
Fetch OTA Tx Test
Returns the most recent OTA Tx Test measurement results.
Data are returned in three sets of comma‑delimited values. Each set consists of: Cell ID, Group ID, Sector ID, S‑SS Power, RSRP, RSRQ, and SINR.
Following the three sets of data, is an additional set of four numbers: Dominance, Antenna Count, Average Power, Delta Power.
“‑‑” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Over‑the‑Air, Tx Test
Fetch Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
Returns the most recent adjacent channel leakage ratio measurement results. If the instrument is sweeping, it does not return until the sweep is complete. Refer to :READ:RF:ACLR? for a description of the returned data.
Default Unit
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, ACLR
Fetch Power vs. Time
Returns Power vs. Time measurement results: Total Frame Power, DwPTS Power, Transmit Off Power, Cell ID, Timing Error, Sub‑Frame Power 1, 2, ...10.
“‑‑” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, Power vs. Time
Fetch Spectral Emission Mask
Returns Spectral Emission Mask measurement results (Pass or Fail).
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, Spectral Emission Mask
Fetch RF Spectrum
Returns the most recent RF Spectrum measurement results. Data are returned as two comma‑delimited values: Channel Power in dBm and Occupied bandwidth measurement in MHz.
“‑‑” is returned for the data that are not valid at that instance.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, Channel Spectrum
Fetch Summary
Returns the values displayed in a Summary measurement view. If the current display is not a summary screen, the return value is ‘N/A’. The return string is a comma-separated list of the values displayed on the screen, in the order they are listed from top to bottom. The list is preceded by the name of the summary view: “RF Summary,” “Modulation Summary,” or “TD‑LTE Summary”.
RF Summary: Channel Power in dBm, Occupied BW in MHz, Lower Adjacent Channel Power 2 in dBm, Lower Adjacent Channel Power 1 in dBm, Upper Adjacent Channel Power 1 in dBm, Upper Adjacent Channel Power 2 in dBm, Spectral Emission Mask (Pass or Fail), Total Frame Power in dBm, DwPTS (Downlink Pilot Time Slot) Power in dBm, Transmit Off Power in dBm, Timing Error.
Modulation Summary: Ref Signal (RS) Power in dBm, Sync Signal (SS) Power in dBm, EVM (rms) in %, EVM (QPSK) in %, EVM (16‑QAM) in %, EVM (64‑QAM) in %, Freq Error in Hz, Freq Error in ppm, Cell ID, PBCH Power in dBm.
If Option 886 is activated on the instrument, a value for EVM (256‑QAM) in % is returned at the end of the Modulation Summary data string. This value does not immediately follow EVM (64‑QAM) in order to maintain backward compatibility with instruments where Option 886 is not installed.
“--” is returned if the TDD LTE carrier does not use 256‑QAM modulation scheme.
TD‑LTE Summary: Freq Error in Hz, Occupied BW in MHz, Carrier Frequency in MHz, Channel Power in dBm, Ref Signal (RS) Power in dBm, Sync Signal (SS) Power in dBm, EVM (rms) in %, PBCH Power in dBm, PCFICH Power in dBm, Spectral Emission Mask (Pass or Fail).
When Option 886 is installed, 256‑QAM EVM measurement results are included in the calculation of EVM (rms) percentage value.
Front Panel Access
Measurements, RF, RF Summary
Measurements, Modulation, Modulation Summary
Measurements, TD-LTE Summary