LMR Master™ S412E Programming Manual : TDD LTE Commands : :INITiate Subsystem
:INITiate Subsystem
This subsystem controls the triggering of measurements.
:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF|ON|0|1
Continuous/Single Sweep
Specifies whether the sweep/measurement is triggered continuously. If the value is set to ON or 1, another sweep/measurement is triggered as soon as the current one completes. If continuous is set to OFF or 0, the instrument enters the “idle” state and waits for the :INITiate[:IMMediate] command or for :INITiate:CONTinuous ON. The default value is ON. That is, sending :INIT:CONT is equivalent to sending :INIT:CONT ON.
The query version of the command returns a 1 if the instrument is continuously sweeping/measuring and returns a 0 if the instrument is in single sweep/measurement mode. Note that rapid toggling between ON and OFF is not allowed. The instrument must be allowed to make a full sweep before toggling can be done.
Parameter Type
Default Value
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑3 (Sweep), Sweep
Trigger Sweep/Measurement
Initiates a sweep/measurement. If :INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON, this command is ignored. Use this command in combination with :STATus:OPERation? to synchronize the capture of one complete set of data. When this command is sent, the “sweep complete” bit of :STATus:OPERation? is set to 0, indicating that the measurement has not completed. The data collection is then triggered. The controlling program can poll:STATus:OPERation? to determine the status. When the “sweep complete” bit is set to 1, data are ready to be retrieved.
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑3 (Sweep), Sweep (Single), Trigger Sweep