LMR Master™S412E User Guide : Anritsu PC Software Tools : Anritsu Tool Box
Anritsu Tool Box
The Anritsu Tool Box is a central location to open an Anritsu measurement, visit the Anritsu web site, or launch Anritsu applications. To open the Anritsu Tool Box, either click the shortcut icon on the desktop or click Start and navigate through the Programs folder to the Anritsu folder and select Anritsu Tool Box.
After the tool box is open, move the mouse pointer over any of the application icons to view a short description of the application. The following pages describe the software programs that can be launched from the Anritsu Tool Box
Anritsu Tool Box
The Anritsu PC Software tools do not support all of Anritsu’s handheld instruments or all of their measurements. Compatibility information is provided in the program’s Help.
Line Sweep Tools (LST) can be used for downloading and post-processing of certain VNA measurements and cable & antenna analysis sweeps.
Master Software Tools (MST) is primarily used for spectrum analysis measurements.