LMR Master™S412E User Guide : GPS (Option 31) : Activating the GPS Feature
Activating the GPS Feature
To activate the GPS feature:
1. Install the Anritsu GPS antenna onto the GPS Antenna connector on the LMR Master.
2. Press the Shift key, then the System (8) key.
3. Press the GPS submenu key.
4. Press the GPS On/Off submenu key to toggle the GPS feature on or off. When GPS is first turned on, a RED GPS icon appears at the top of the display.
GPS Icon, Red
5. When the GPS receiver has tracked at least three satellites, the GPS icon changes to GREEN. Latitude and Longitude information is displayed in the white bar on top of the display. Acquiring satellites might take as long as three minutes.
GPS Icon, Green
6. Press the GPS Info submenu key to view information about:
Tracked Satellites
Latitude and Longitude
Fix Available
Almanac Complete
Antenna and Receiver Status
GPS Antenna Voltage and Current
Refer to GPS Menu for details about the GPS Info dialog box.
7. Press the Reset submenu key to reset the GPS.
8. The GREEN GPS icon with a RED CROSS through it, as shown below, appears when GPS satellite tracking is lost (after actively tracking 3 or more satellites). The GPS longitude and latitude are saved in the instrument memory until the LMR Master is powered off or until GPS is turned off by using the GPS On/Off key.
GPS Icon, Tracking Lost