S331E, S332E, S361E, S362E Site Master™MS2711E, MS2712E, MS2713E Spectrum Master™MT8212E, MT8213E Cell Master™ Programming Manual : Tracking Generator Commands : :GENerator Subsystem
:GENerator Subsystem
This subsystem contains commands related to the generator.
Perform Additional Calibration
Performs an additional calibration sweep to improve the output of the source. Use [:SENSe:]:ENhanced:CALibration:COMPlete[:STATe]? to determine when calibration is complete.
Note: This command will work only after the Generator has been turned ON and Enhanced Accuracy Calibration has been turned ON.
Related Command
[:SENSe]:GENerator:ENhanced:CALibration[:STATe] ON
[:SENSE]:MATChing:PADS <num>
Front Panel Access
Shift-4 (Measure), Generator, Settings, Enhanced Generator Power Accuracy, Additional Calibration Sweep
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer <amplitude>
Generator Output Power
Sets the output power for the Generator.
Query returns actual output power setting without regards to any external gain or loss setting.
Note: Returned value will not match displayed output power on the instrument if external gain/loss setting is not 0 dB.
Default Value
-50 dBm
-80 dBm to 15 dBm
Default Unit
Current active amplitude unit
To set the output to -30 dBm when the active amplitude units are dBm:
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer -30
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-4 (Measure), Generator, Output Power
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer:OFFSet[:MAGNitude] <value>
Generator Output Power Offset or External Gain/Loss Setting
Sets the output power level offset or the External Gain/Loss Setting. Please note that changing this value will also cause the displayed output power to adjust with the new offset. For example, if the output power is set to -25 dBm and the External Gain/Loss is then set to 10 dB external gain, the power limits will be adjusted by 10 dBm and value of the output power displayed on the instrument will be adjusted to -15 dBm. The query returns a value from -100 to 100. A negative sign indicates external loss and no sign indicates external gain.
Default Value
0 dB
100 dB Ext Loss to 100 dB Ext Gain
Default Unit
To set the signal generator offset to 10 dB external gain:
:GENerator:OUTput:POWer:OFFSet 10
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift-4 (Measure), Generator, Settings, Ext Gain/Loss