S331E, S332E, S361E, S362E Site Master™MS2711E, MS2712E, MS2713E Spectrum Master™MT8212E, MT8213E Cell Master™ Programming Manual : Programming with SCPI : Formatting Conventions
Formatting Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions in describing SCPI commands.
Formatting Conventions
Commands are formatted to differentiate them from their description.
The query form of the command is followed by a “?”
Front-panel key sequences use this formatting
Front-panel key presses are formatted to differentiate them from text descriptions. Key presses are separated by a comma (“,”).
Identifiers are enclosed in “< >”. They indicate that some type of data must be provided. See Table: Description of Command Indentifiers for details on the types of identifiers.
The “|” indicates that a choice must be made.
[optional input]
Optional input is be enclosed in “[ ]”. The “[ ]” are not part of the command.