VNA Master™Programming Manual : VNA Commands : :CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance Subsystem
:CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance Subsystem
The commands in this subsystem define the gate configuration for the distance domain.
All Front Panel Access sequences that are referenced in this subsytem require that the active trace domain is set to Distance.
Gate Center Distance
Sets the gate center distance for the given trace. <Tr> is the trace number in the range of 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The query version of this commands returns the current gate center in millimeters. Note that setting this may also change the gate start, stop, and span for both time and distance gates. If gate coupling is on, then setting the gate center distance also sets the same gate center distance for all traces. Note that setting this also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
Note that the command :CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:TIME:CENTer functions the same as this command. The only difference is that with this command, you must send the center in distance units rather than time units.
:CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance:CENTer  <center distance>
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <center distance>
Query Response
<NR3> <center distance> (returned in millimeters)
– 3000.0 m to + 3000 m
Default Value
2055 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting. Millimeters (mm) for query. Note that if the distance unit is in feet, then both setting and query are in feet.
Gate Center Distance (continued)
To set the gate center distance for Trace 4 to 12.5 m:
:CALCulate4:FILTer:GATE:DISTance:CENTer 12500 mm
After either of these two example commands, the following query:
Returns the result: 12500
To set the gate center distance for Trace 2 to 20.5 ft:
:CALCulate2:FILTer:GATE:DISTance:CENTer 20.5 ft
The query is:
Return Value: 6248.4 (in units of mm, if instrument distance unit setting is meters)
Return Value: 20.5 (in units of ft, if instrument distance unit setting is feet)
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Freq/Time/Dist, Gate, Center Gate
Distance Domain Gate Notch State
Sets the gate into notch mode for the given trace. Setting the value to ON or to 1 turns on the gate into a notch (in other words, the gate suppresses rather than passes through the time domain data within the start/stop gate settings). Setting the value to OFF or to 0 turns off the gate notch mode. The query version of this command returns 1 if gate notch is on, otherwise returns 0 for off. Note that if gate coupling is on, then setting the gate notch of one trace also sets the gate notch of all other traces. Also note that setting this also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
Note that the command :CALC<Tr>:FILT[:GATE]:TIME:NOTC functions the same as this command.
:CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance:NOTCh ON|OFF|1|0
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> ON|OFF|1|0
Query Response
<bNR1> 1|0
Default Value
To set the gate notch to ON for Trace 3:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Freq/Time/Dist, Gate, Gate Notch
Distance Domain Gate Shape
Sets the gate shape for the given trace. The query version of this command returns the string “MAX” if the current gate shape is set to maximum, “WIDE” if set to wide, “NORM” if set to nominal, and “MIN” if set to minimum. Note that if gate coupling is on, then setting the gate shape of one trace also sets the gate shape of all other traces. Also note that setting this also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
Note that the command :CALC<Tr>:FILT[:GATE]:TIME:SHAP functions the same as this command.
:CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance:SHAPe  MAXimum|WIDE|NORMal|MINimum
Cmd Parameter
<char> MAXimum|WIDE|NORMal|MINimum
Query Response
Default Value
To set the gate shape to Maximum for Trace 1:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Freq/Time/Dist, Gate, Gate Shape
Gate Span Distance
Sets the gate span distance for the given trace. <Tr> is the trace number in the range of 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The query version of this commands returns the current gate span in millimeters. Note that setting this may also change the gate start, stop, and center for both time and distance gates. If gate coupling is on, then setting the gate span also sets the same gate span for all traces. Note that setting this also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
Note that the command :CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:TIME:SPAN functions the same as this command. The only difference is that with this command, you must send the span in distance units rather than time units.
:CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance:SPAN <span distance>
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <span distance>
Query Response
<NR3> <span distance>
0 m to 3000 m
Default Value
4110 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting. Millimeters (mm) for query. Note that if the distance unit is in feet, then both setting and query are in feet.
To set the gate span distance for Trace 3 to 7 m:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Freq/Time/Dist, Gate, Span Gate
Gate Start Distance
Sets the gate start distance for the given trace. <Tr> is the trace number in the range of 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The query version of this commands returns the current gate start distance in millimeters. Note that setting this may also change the gate span, stop, and center for both time and distance gates. If gate coupling is on, then setting the gate start distance also sets the same gate start distance for all traces. Note that setting this also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
Note that the command :CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:TIME:STARt functions the same as this command. The only difference is that with this command, you must send the start in distance units rather than time units.
:CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance:STARt  <start distance>
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <start distance>
Query Response
<NR3> <start distance> (returned in millimeters)
– 3000.0 m to + 3000 m
Default Value
1370 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting. Millimeters (mm) for query. Note that if the distance unit is in feet, then both setting and query are in feet.
To set the gate start distance for Trace 1 to 2 meter:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Freq/Time/Dist, Gate, Start Gate
Distance Domain Gate Display Settings
Sets the gate display settings for the given trace. The gate can be either OFF, in DISPlay mode, or ON. In DISPLay mode, the gate is shown on the trace but is not applied to the transform. When set to ON, the gate is shown and applied to the transform. <Tr> is the trace number in the range of 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. Note that setting this also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
Cmd Parameter
<char> OFF|DISPlay|ON
Query Response
<char> OFF|DISP|ON
Default Value
To set Trace 2 to DISPlay view:
Front Panel Access
Freq/Time/Dist, Gate, Gate Function
Gate Stop Distance
Sets the gate stop distance for the given trace. <Tr> is the trace number in the range of 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. The query version of this commands returns the current gate stop distance in millimeters. Note that setting this may also change the gate span, start, and center for both time and distance gates. If gate coupling is on, then setting the gate stop distance also sets the same gate stop distance for all traces. Note that setting this also sets the given trace as the active trace if it is not already active.
Note that the command :CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:TIME:STOP functions the same as this command. The only difference is that with this command, you must send the stop in distance units rather than time units.
:CALCulate<Tr>:FILTer[:GATE]:DISTance:STOP  <stop distance>
Cmd Parameter
<NRf> <stop distance>
Query Response
<NR3> <stop distance>> (returned in millimeters)
– 3000.0 m to + 3000 m
Default Value
5480 mm
Default Unit
Meters (m) when setting. Millimeters (mm) for query. Note that if the distance unit is in feet, then both setting and query are in feet.
To set the gate stop distance for Trace 4 to 10 meter:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Freq/Time/Dist, Gate, Stop Gate