VNA Masterâ„¢Programming Manual : VNA Commands : :CALCulate:LIMit Subsystem : Limit State
Limit State
Turns the active trace currently selected limit line (upper or lower) ON or OFF. If the value is set to ON or 1, then the active trace selected limit line is turned ON. If the value is set to OFF or 0, then the active trace selected limit line is turned OFF. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the active trace selected limit line is ON and returns a 0 if it is OFF. Use :CALCulate:LIMit:TYPe to set the currently active limit line.
:CALCulate:LIMit[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Cmd Parameter
<boolean> OFF|ON|0|1
Query Response
<bNR1> 0|1
Default Value
OFF or 0 (query returns 0 for OFF)
To turn on the currently selected limit line:
:CALCulate:LIMit ON
:CALCulate:LIMit:STATe 1
To turn off the currently selected limit line:
:CALCulate:LIMit OFF
:CALCulate:LIMit:STATe 0
:CALCulate:LIMit 0
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit State
Limit Type
Sets the limit line segment type (upper or lower) to be edited. Set the value to 1 for Lower limit segment and to 0 for Upper limit line segment. The query version of the command returns a 1 if the lower limit line is currently active for editing and returns a 0 if the upper limit line is currently active for editing.
:CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE 0|1
Cmd Parameter
<char> 0|1
Query Response
<char> 0|1
Default Value
To set upper limit line active for editing:
:CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE 0
To set lower limit line active for editing:
:CALCulate:LIMit:TYPE 1
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit
Number of Upper Limit Points
Query only. Returns the number of points currently in the upper limit line of the given trace <Tr>. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
NA (query only)
Query Response
<NR1> <integer>
To query for the upper limit line total point on trace #2:
Front Panel Access
Add Upper Limit Point
Adds a new limit point to the upper limit line of the given trace <Tr>. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response:
NA (no query)
To add a point to the upper limit line on trace 2:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Add Point
Delete Upper Limit Point
Deletes the upper limit point of the given trace <Tr>. After deletion, the point that is immediately to the left of the point that was deleted becomes the active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1. Note that deletion is valid only if 2 or more limit points are active.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response:
NA (no query)
To delete trace 3 upper limit current active point:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Delete Point
Upper Limit Next Point Left
Sets the limit point to the left of the upper limit active point of the given trace <Tr> as the new active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then the <Tr> parameter defaults to trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response:
NA (no query)
To make the upper limit point to the left of the current active point of trace 2 as the new active point:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit)), Limit Edit, Next Point Left
Upper Limit Next Point Right
Sets the limit point to the right of the upper limit active point of the given trace <Tr> as the new active point. <Tr> is the trace number in the range 1 to 4. If no trace number is specified, then default trace is trace number 1.
Cmd Parameter
Query Response:
NA (no query)
To make the upper limit point to the right of the current active point of trace 2 as the new active point:
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift 6 (Limit), Limit Edit, Next Point Right