Signal Generators Measurement Guide : Vector Signal Generator (Option 23) : Setup Menu Parameters

Setup Menu Parameters
Press the Setup main menu key to list the Setup menu.
Set Trigger Type:
Press the Trigger Type submenu key. Scroll to the Pos or Neg edge trigger. If no trigger is required, then select None. The active trigger is underlined.
Set Trigger Delay:
Press the Trigger Delay submenu key. The current value turns red for editing.
Press Enter to set the new trigger delay.
To Trigger Manually:
Press the Manual Trigger submenu key to activate the trigger manually. Use this if you are using an external trigger, but for some reason that signal is not working correctly.
VSG Custom Pattern Management
To use the Custom signals in the Signal Pattern and Interferer Modulation setup, you need to transfer these signals from the instruments internal memory or USB memory device into the VSG Custom Signal Pattern memory. Note that the VSG Custom Signal Pattern memory is non-volatile, so you need to do this only once.
Refer to the Master Software Tools User Guide for additional information about editing and loading VSG signal patterns into the BTS Master with MST Pattern Manager.
To Add a Pattern:
Press the Shift key followed by the File (7) key. The File menu is listed.
Press the Directory Management submenu key. The Directory Management menu is listed.
Press the Current Location submenu key to select the current location of the pattern files, Int (internal) or USB (USB memory device). The underlined location is active.
Press the Setup main menu key. The Setup menu is listed.
Press the Pattern Manager submenu key. The Custom Signal Pattern folder opens, and the Pattern Manager menu is listed (Figure 3‑2 on page 3‑7).
Press the Add submenu. The selected folder content (as selected in Step 3, Int or USB) is listed.
Highlight the desired signal pattern file and press the Add Selected Pattern submenu key. The signal pattern file is added into the Custom Signal Pattern folder. The signal pattern name is displayed in a box at the bottom of the Custom Signal Pattern folder.
Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 to continue adding signal patterns into the Custom Signal Pattern folder.
To Delete a Pattern:
Press the Setup main menu key. The Setup menu is listed.
Press the Pattern Manager submenu key. The Pattern File List dialog box opens and the Pattern Manager menu is listed.
Press the Delete submenu key.
To delete a single file, highlight the desired pattern and then press Delete Selected Pattern. To delete all pattern files, press Delete All Patterns.

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Anritsu Company
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