Signal Generators Measurement Guide : Vector Signal Generator (Option 23) : Modulation Menu

Modulation Menu
Key Sequence: Modulation
Opens the Edit Signal Menu for Signal configuration.
Opens the Edit Interferer Menu for Interferer configuration.
Edit Signal Menu
Key Sequence: Modulation > Signal Pattern
Opens the Analog Modulation Configuration dialog box and Modulation Config menu to setup modulation type, frequency, and depth.
Opens the Digital Modulation Configuration dialog box and lists Modulation Config menu to select a modulation type and signal pattern.
Opens the Custom Modulation Configuration dialog box and the Modulation Config menu to select a pattern for use as signal or interferer.
Press to toggle Spectrum Inversion from Normal to Reverse. This may be necessary for some cases of BER testing.
Edit Interferer Menu
Key Sequence: Modulation > Interferer Pattern
Opens the Analog Modulation Configuration dialog box and Modulation Config menu to setup modulation type, frequency, and depth.
Opens the Digital Modulation Configuration dialog box and lists Modulation Config menu to select a modulation type and signal pattern.
Opens the Custom Modulation Configuration dialog box and the Modulation Config menu to select a pattern for use as signal or interferer.
Press to toggle Spectrum Inversion from Normal to Reverse. This may be necessary for some cases of BER testing.
Sine Wave AM
When generating an AM sine wave, 7 discrete frequency settings are available, as shown in Table: Sine Wave AM – Frequencies. After selecting a frequency, choose one of 7 settings for Percent Depth as shown in Table: Sine Wave AM – Percent Depth.
Sine Wave AM – Frequencies
400 Hz
1 kHz
3 kHz
5 kHz
10 kHz
15 kHz
20 kHz
Sine Wave AM – Percent Depth
5 %
10 %
20 %
30 %
50 %
70 %
90 %
Sine Wave FM
When generating an FM sine wave, 6 discrete rate settings are available, as shown in Table: Sine Wave FM – Rates. After selecting a rate, choose one of 8 settings for Deviation in hertz, as shown in Table: Sine Wave FM – Deviations.
Sine Wave FM – Rates
1 kHz
5 kHz
10 kHz
50 kHz
100 kHz
500 kHz
Sine Wave FM – Deviations
100 Hz
500 Hz
1 kHz
5 kHz
10 kHz
50 kHz
100 kHz
500 kHz
Pulsed CW
Pulsed CW is available only as a single channel. Choose one of 3 settings for the period, as shown in Table: Period Settings for Pulsed CW.
0.1 msec (10 kHz)
1 msec (1 kHz)
2.5 msec (400 Hz)
Digital Modulation
The digital modulation types and their associated signal patterns are shown in Table: Digital Modulation Configuration.
W-CDMA Pilot (QPSK, 3.84 Msym/s, RRC, alpha=0.22, PN9)
EDGE Continuous (3Pi/8-8PSK, 270.833 ksym/sec, Lin-Gauss, PN9)
DECT 16 QAM Continuous (1.152 Msym/s, RRC, alpha=0.5, PN9)
J.83C Digital Cable (16 QAM, 5 Msym/s, RRC, alpha=0.13, PN9)
DVB-C (16 QAM, 6.84 Msym/s, RRC, alpha=0.15, PN9)
DECT 64 QAM (1.152 Msym/s, RRC, alph=0.5, PN9)
US Digital 64 QAM (5.056941 Msym/s, RRC, alpha=0.18, PN9)

Copyright 2011 Anritsu Company
Anritsu Company
10450-00034, Rev. A