The Mass Memory subsystem contains functions that provide access to the instrument’s setup and data storage.
:MMEMory:DATA? <filename>
Transfer Data
Transfers the data stored in the given file from the instrument to the controlling program. Data is transferred in the form of <header><block>. The ASCII <header> specifies the number of data byes. It looks like #AX, where A is the number of digits in X and X is the number of bytes in <block>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should contain a file extension (.stp, .jpg) and the file must not be larger than 262136 bytes. Use the command :MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location.
:MMEMory:DELete <filename>
Delete Setup/Measurement
Removes a file specified by <filename> from the current mass storage device. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and it must include the file extension. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current file location.
This command returns the non-recursive contents of the directory specified as the parameter. The parameter is case sensitive and must be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”). Use “/” as a directory separator. For the internal memory, the parameter must start with "Internal".
<timestamp> is the number of seconds since Jan 1 1970.
Parameter Type
Front Panel Access
Shift‑7 (File)
:MMEMory:INITialize USB
Format Storage Device
Formats the USB Flash drive. Issuing this command will erase all files on an installed USB Flash drive and create the /usr directory for storage of measurements, setups and jpg files.
Parameter Type
:MMEMory:LOAD:STATe <integer>,<filename>
Recall Setup
Recalls a previously stored instrument setup in the current save location. The setup file to be loaded is specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should contain a file extension “.stp”. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a 1.
<integer>, <filename>
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑7 (File), Recall, (select Setup file from list)
When recalling a setup that causes a mode switch, wait a minimum of 60 seconds before issuing the next command.
:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe <integer>,<filename>
Recall Measurement
The instrument must be in the mode of the saved trace in order to recall that trace. Use :INSTrument:SELect or :INSTrument:NSELect to set the mode.
Recalls a previously stored measurement trace from the current save location. The saved measurement trace to be loaded is specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should contain a file extension. Note that the trace specified by <filename> should be available at the current save location. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a 1.
Note: When using this command in SPA mode, a manual key press from the instrument is necessary to continue.
In some modes, the recall of the traces using the front panel allows a user to retain or discard the instrument setup that was saved along with the measurement. This choice is not supported using a SCPI command. :MMEMory:LOAD:STATe is the recommended method to restore a saved instrument setup.
File name extensions:
“.edg” for GSM “.spa” for SPA “.wcd” for WCDMA “.wmxd” for WiMAX “.wmxe” for Mobile WiMAX “.cdma” for CDMA “.tds” for TDSCDMA “.evdo” for EVDO “.ia” for Interference Analysis “.cs” for Channel Scanner “.pm” for Power Meter “.lte” for LTE “.tdlte” for TDLTE
<integer>, <filename>
To recall trace with file name “trace”:
:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe 1,””
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑7 (File), Recall Measurement, (select Measurement file from list)
Save Location
Sets the instrument’s internal memory or the USB Flash drive as the save location for all subsequently saved files. This command also determines the destination location for copied files. For example, selecting internal memory as the current save location will set the USB Flash drive as the destination for copied files, and vice-versa.
Note that the save location specified here applies to remote operation. It is independent of and can be different from the save location set via the instrument front panel. The query form of this command returns the save location setting for remote operation, not the front panel setting.
Commands to load, store (save), or copy data will fail if the current save location is not available. This is the case if the USB drive is selected and no USB device is plugged into the instrument. Commands will also fail if internal memory is set as the output location while Option 7 (Secure Data Operation) is enabled, which allows files to be written only to the USB drive.
Before setting the save location, use the :SYSTem:MSIS? query to check the ready state of internal memory or the USB Flash drive.
Parameter Type
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑7 (File), Save, Change Save Location, (select drive or folder)
Copy from Current Save Location to Destination
Copies all files and folders from the current save location to the destination. File hierarchy is maintained. When copying to USB, all data is placed in a folder named usr in the root directory of the drive. If the usr folder already exists, any file it contains that has the same name as a file being copied will be overwritten.
In remote operation, files can only be copied from internal memory to the USB device or from USB to internal memory. If you wish to copy to the same memory device or copy specific files and folders, use the instrument front panel.
Exercise caution before copying. Large files or a great number of files may take a long time to copy. The instrument will not respond to user input while files are being transferred.
The Copy command will not execute if no USB device is plugged in, or if the instrument’s internal memory is the selected destination but is not available (Option 7, Secure Data Operation, is enabled). Use the :SYSTem:MSIS? query to check the ready state of internal memory and the USB drive before copying files.
Sets the destination location for files copied with the :MMEMory:MSIS:COPY command. If USB is the destination, files and folders will be copied to a directory named usr at the root level of the USB device. If the usr folder currently exists, the COPY command will overwrite any file that has the same name as a copied file.
The Destination command also sets the current save location. For example, selecting the USB Flash drive as the destination will set the instrument’s internal memory as the current save location, and vice-versa.
The destination location specified by SCPI command applies to remote operation. It is independent of and can be different from the destination selected using the instrument front panel. The query form of this command returns the destination location setting for remote operation, not the front panel setting.
This command is ineffective if the specified destination is not available, such as having no USB device plugged into the USB port. Similarly, the instrument’s internal memory cannot be the destination location if Option 7 (Secure Data Operation) is enabled, which allows files to be written only to the USB drive.
Before setting the destination location, use the :SYSTem:MSIS? query to check the ready state of internal memory or the USB Flash drive.
Shift‑7 (File), Copy, (select drive or folder under Select Destination)
:MMEMory:STORe:JPEG <filename>
Save Screen as JPEG
Saves the current screen measurement as a JPEG file. This will save the screen as a JPEG file specified by <filename> with the extension .jpg to the current save location. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should not contain a file extension. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location.
To save the screen into the file name “trace”:
:MMEMory:STORe:JPEG “trace”
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑7 (File), Save, Change Type, (select JPEG from list)
:MMEMory:STORe:STATe <integer>,<filename>
Save Setup
Stores the current setup into the file specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should not contain a file extension. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a value of 0.
<integer>, <filename>
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑7 (File), Save, Change Type, (select Setup from list)
:MMEMory:STORe:TRACe <integer>,<filename>
Save Measurement
Stores the trace into the file specified by <filename>. <filename> should be enclosed in either single quotes (‘ ’) or double quotes (“ ”) and should not contain a file extension. Use the command MMEMory:MSIS to set the current save location. The <integer> parameter is not currently used, but it must be sent. Send a 0. Note that existing files of the same name will not be overwritten.