Spectrum Master Programming Manual : Spectrum Analyzer Commands : :MEASure Subsystem
:MEASure Subsystem
These commands take the instrument from its current state, enable the specified measurement and put the instrument into single sweep mode. They correct any parameters that are invalid given the new measurement state such that a valid measurement can take place. Other settings may be changed. Refer to the documentation of CONFigure for each measurement. They then initiate the measurement. When the measurement is complete, they return the result.
To make a measurement with settings other than the “default” measurement settings applied by CONFigure, do the following:
Send the appropriate CONFigure command to set the desired measurement.
Modify the settings as required.
Send the appropriate READ command to measure and return the result.
To get the current measurement data, use the appropriate FETCh command.
Measure Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Sets the active measurement to adjacent channel power ratio, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the main channel power lower adjacent and upper adjacent channel power results. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:ACPower and :READ:ACPower? For a description of the default adjacent channel power ratio measurement parameters, see :CONFigure:ACPower. To make an adjacent channel power ratio measurement with settings other than the default values, send:
Commands to set desired settings
Data is returned as 5 comma-separated values: main channel power, lower adjacent channel power, upper adjacent channel power, lower alternate channel power, upper alternate channel power.
Default Unit
Current amplitude units
Related Command
Measure Channel Power/Density
Sets the active measurement to channel power, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the channel power and channel power density results. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:CHPower and :READ:CHPower?
For a description of the default channel power measurement parameters, see :CONFigure:CHPower. To make a channel power measurement with settings other than the default values, send:
Commands to set desired settings
Data is returned as 2 comma‑separated values: channel power in dBm, channel power density in dBm/Hz.
Default Unit
Current amplitude units
Related Command
Measure Channel Power
Sets the active measurement to channel power, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the channel power result in dBm. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:CHPower and :READ:CHPower:CHPower? To measure both channel power and channel power density, use :MEASure:CHPower?
For a description of the default channel power measurement parameters, see :CONFigure:CHPower. To make a channel power measurement with settings other than the default values, send:
Commands to set desired settings
Default Unit
Current amplitude units
Related Command
Measure Channel Power Density
Sets the active measurement to channel power, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the channel power density result in dBm/Hz. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:CHPower and :READ:CHPower:DENSity? To measure both channel power and channel power density, use :MEASure:CHPower?
For a description of the default channel power measurement parameters, see :CONFigure:CHPower. To make a channel power measurement with settings other than the default values, send:
Commands to set desired settings
Default Unit
Current amplitude units
Related Command
:MEASure:IQ:CAPture SINGle|REMote
Initiate IQ waveform capture
Required Option
Starts the IQ capture using the current settings (capture length, sample rate, file name and location). If the parameter value is SINGle, this command initiates the capture and stores the acquired data in the currently specified save location, which can be the instrument internal memory or a connected USB device. Note that in Continuous capture mode, multiple waveform captures will continue until you press Start Capture on the instrument screen to stop data acquisition.
The REMote form of this command initiates the IQ capture and places data in the instrument buffer. Send the :MEASure:IQ:GET? query to retrieve the acquired IQ waveform data.
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Shift‑4 (Meas), IQ Waveform Capture, Start Capture
Query IQ waveform data
Required Option
Retrieves the IQ waveform data acquired with the :MEASure:IQ: CAPture:REMote command. This query returns #xyyyyyy followed by the acquired data. x indicates the number of digits in the buffer size and yyyyyy is the size of the buffer. I and Q data points are each 3 bytes long and stored in 24-bit twos complement in an alternating fashion: I0, Q0, I1, Q1, and so on.
The query returns #10 when there is no data.
Related Command
:MEASure:IQ:CAPture REMote
Measure Occupied Bandwidth
Sets the active measurement to occupied bandwidth, sets the default measurement parameters, triggers a new measurement and returns the occupied bandwidth, percent of power and dB down results. It is a combination of the commands :CONFigure:OBWidth and :READ:OBWidth? For a description of the default occupied bandwidth measurement parameters, see :CONFigure:OBWidth. To make an occupied bandwidth measurement with settings other than the default values, send:
Commands to set desired settings
Data is returned as 3 comma‑separated values: occupied bandwidth, percent of power, dB down.
Default Unit
For OBW: Hz
For Percent of Power: %
For dB Down: dB
Related Command
:CONFigure:RF SPECtrum