This subsystem contains commands related to the triggering of instrument functions for the purposes of synchronization. Related commands appear in the ABORt and INITiate subsystems.
This command defines the trigger source. IMMediate triggering is the equivalent of free‑run triggering. EXTernal triggering is triggered when a TTL signal is applied to the External Trigger input connector. EXTernal triggering is always done on the rising edge of the signal. It is available only in zero span mode.
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:DELay <percentage> or <time> :TRIGger[:SEQuence]:VIDeo:DELay?
Video Trigger Position (time)
This command sets the video triggering delay as either a percentage of the display or in time units. If setting the delay by time is desired, then time units must be specified when sending the command. The query version of this command will return the video triggering delay as a percentage.
This command sets the video triggering position as a percentage of the display. When the sweep is triggered, the trigger point is drawn at the location defined by the position. The graph appearing to the left of the trigger position is data acquired before the trigger. The graph appearing to the right of the trigger position is data acquired after the trigger.