Specifies how successive traces are combined to produce the resulting display value. Setting the TYPE to NONE is the equivalent of setting the trace mode to “Normal->A” on the front panel. The displayed value for a point is the current measured value for that point. Setting the TYPE to SCALar is the equivalent of setting the trace mode to “Average->A” on the front panel. The displayed value for a point is the average of the last <integer> measured values where <integer> is set by [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt. Setting the TYPE to MAXimum is the equivalent of setting the trace mode to “Max Hold->A” on the front panel. The displayed value for a point is the maximum measured value for that point over sweeps. Setting the TYPE to MINimum is the equivalent of setting the trace mode to “Min Hold->A” on the front panel. The displayed value for a point is the minimum measured value for that point over sweeps.
Sets the state of the coupling of the resolution bandwidth to the frequency span. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the resolution bandwidth being coupled to the span. That is, when the span changes, the resolution bandwidth changes. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the resolution bandwidth being uncoupled from the span. That is, changing the span will not change the resolution bandwidth. When this command is issued, the resolution bandwidth setting itself will not change. The default value is ON. That is, sending :SENS:BAND:RES:AUTO is equivalent to sending :SENS:BAND:RES:AUTO ON.
Sets the ratio of the resolution bandwidth to the span for use when the resolution bandwidth to span coupling is enabled. Note that the front panel interface sets the inverse ratio: the span to the resolution bandwidth.
Default Value
0.000001 to 1
Related Command
Front Panel Access
BW, Span/RBW (note that this is the inverse ratio)
Sets the state of the coupling of the video bandwidth to the resolution bandwidth. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the video bandwidth being coupled to the resolution bandwidth. That is, when the resolution bandwidth changes, the video bandwidth changes. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the video bandwidth being uncoupled from the resolution bandwidth. That is, changing the resolution bandwidth will not change the video bandwidth. When this command is issued, the video bandwidth setting itself will not change. The default value is ON. That is, sending :SENS:BAND:VID:AUTO is equivalent to sending :SENS:BAND:VID:AUTO ON.
Sets the ratio of the video bandwidth to the resolution bandwidth for use when the video to resolution bandwidth coupling is enabled. Note that the front panel interface sets the inverse ratio: the resolution bandwidth to the video bandwidth.
Sets the input impedance that is used for amplitude correction and conversion between units (dBm vs. dBV vs. Volts, etc.). If the value of <integer> is 50, no correction is performed. If the value of <integer> is 75, correction is done based on Anritsu adapter 12N50‑75B. To place the instrument in Other or offset mode, send a 2. Once in the “Other” mode, the command, [:SENSe]:CORRection:IMPedance[:INPut]:OFFSet, can be used to adjust the offset.
Parameter Type
Default Value
50 Ohm
50 Ohm, 75 Ohm, all other values are treated as described above
Sets the value that is used for amplitude correction when the value set by [:SENSe]:CORRection:IMPedance[:INPut][:MAGNitude] is something other than 50 or 75. This value is not applied if the impedance is set to either 50 or 75.
Sets the detection method for calculating each display point. Each display point represents several measurements. The detection type determines how the display point is derived from its associated measurements. POSitive Peak detection displays the maximum value of the associated measurements. RMS detection displays the average power of the associated measurements. NEGative Peak detection displays the minimum value of the associated measurements. SAMPle detection displays the “middle” point of those measurements associated with a display point. For example, if there are 3 measurement frequencies associated with a given display point, sample detection will display the value at the frequency of the second measurement point.
The query form of this command returns a 0 or 1 when EMF state is OFF or ON, respectively.
Note: EMF will turn ON only if the start and stop frequencies are within the frequency range of the spectrum analyzer and isotropic antenna used. The antenna must be connected.
Parameter Type
Default Value
Front Panel Access
Shift‑4 (Measure), Power and Bandwidth, EMF Measurement, On/Off
Frequency Reference Status
Returns 0 for internal or GPS reference. Returns 1 for external reference.
Sets the center frequency. Note that changing the value of the center frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters Start Frequency and Stop Frequency. It may also change the value of the span.
MS2720T-0709 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 9 GHz MS2720T-0713 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 13 GHz MS2720T-0720 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 20 GHz MS2720T-0732 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 32 GHz MS2720T-0743 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 43 GHz
Selects the desired signal standard from the list. The <string> argument is the name of the desired signal standard as displayed in the instrument’s current signal standard list. The list can be displayed on the instrument by choosing the Signal Standard submenu button in the Freq menu. The list can also be downloaded remotely and viewed using Anritsu Master Software Tools. For example, if the desired Signal Standard is P‑GSM 900 ‑ Uplink, then the value of the <string> argument would be “P‑GSM 900 - Uplink”.
The query form of this command will return the name of the currently selected Signal Standard from the list.
Sets the frequency span. Setting the value of <freq> to 0 Hz is the equivalent of setting the span mode to zero span. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
MS2720T-0709 0 Hz to 9 GHz MS2720T-0713 0 Hz to 13 GHz MS2720T-0720 0 Hz to 20 GHz MS2720T-0732 0 Hz to 32 GHz MS2720T-0743 0 Hz to 43 GHz
Frequency Span – Full
Sets the frequency span to full span. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters, Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
Sets the frequency span to the previous span value. Note that changing the value of the frequency span will change the value of the coupled parameters, Start Frequency and Stop Frequency and may change the Center Frequency.
Default Unit
MS2720T-0709 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 9 GHz MS2720T-0713 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 13 GHz MS2720T-0720 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 20 GHz MS2720T-0732 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 32 GHz MS2720T-0743 0 Hz and 10 Hz to 43 GHz
Sets the start frequency. Note that in the spectrum analyzer, changing the value of the start frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span.
Default Value
0 Hz
Default Unit
MS2720T-0709 0 Hz to 9 GHz MS2720T-0713 0 Hz to 13 GHz MS2720T-0720 0 Hz to 20 GHz MS2720T-0732 0 Hz to 32 GHz MS2720T-0743 0 Hz to 43 GHz
Sets the stop frequency. Note that in the spectrum analyzer, changing the value of the stop frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters, Center Frequency and Span.
Selects an antenna from the antenna list to use for field strength measurement result calculations. The <antenna> argument is a 1‑based index of the position of the desired antenna in the instrument’s current antenna list. The list can be displayed on the instrument by choosing the “Antenna” submenu key in the “F Strength” menu. For example, if the desired antenna were the 3rd item on the antenna listing then the value of the <antenna> argument would be 3. Setting the <antenna> argument to 0 indicates that no antenna is selected.
The query form of this command will return the index of the currently‑selected antenna.
Sets the sample rate in Hz. Sample rate choices are 25 kHz, 500 kHz, 2.5 MHz 6.25 MHz, 12.5 MHz, 20 MHz, and 40 MHz. The query returns the current Sample Rate frequency in Hz.
Sets the method for calculating occupied bandwidth. XDB calculates the occupied bandwidth based on points a specified number of dB below the carrier. Issue command [:SENSe]:OBWidth:XDB to set the number of dB to be used. PERCent calculates the occupied bandwidth based on points a specified percentage of the carrier power below the carrier. Issue command [:SENSe]:OBWidth:PERCent to set the percentage to be used.
Parameter Type
Default Value
Related Command
[:SENSe]:OBWidth:XDB [:SENSe]:OBWidth:PERCent
Front Panel Access
Shift‑4 (Measure), OCC BW, Method, % Int Pwr|> dBc
This command sets the percentage of carrier power used to measure the occupied bandwidth. This value is used in the measurement if :SENSe:OBWidth:METHod is set to PERCent.
This command sets the number of dB below the carrier used to measure the occupied bandwidth. This value is used in the measurement if :SENSe:OBWidth:METHod is set to XDB.
Sets the IF Bandwidth. Setting a value of 1 is equivalent of setting the IF Bandwidth to Normal on the front panel. Setting a value of 3 is equivalent of setting the IF Bandwidth to 10 MHz BW on the front panel. Setting the value of 4 is equivalent of setting the IF Bandwidth to 16 MHz BW on the front panel. Note that option 89 must be available and in Zero span for the command to be valid. The query version of this command will return a 0 if not in zero span.
Sets the input attenuation coupling. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the input attenuation being coupled to the reference level. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the input attenuation being uncoupled from the reference level. That is, changing the reference level will not change the input attenuation. When this command is issued, the input attenuator setting itself will not change. The default value is ON. That is, sending :SENS:POW:ATT:AUTO is equivalent to sending :SENS:POW:ATT:AUTO ON.
Selects the sweep mode. The query form of this command returns the current sweep mode: FAST, PERF, NOFF, or BURS.
Fast - Fastest sweep speed (up to 100 times faster than Performance) Performance - Medium sweep speed; all specifications are met No FFT - Slowest mode; suited for analog and pulse modulated signals Burst - Fast sweep speed; suited for detecting short bursts
Default Value
Front Panel Access
Shift‑3 (Sweep), Sweep Mode
Sweep Status
Returns 1 when the sweep is complete. Returns 0 when the sweep is in progress.
Sets the value of the minimum sweep time parameter. The sweep will complete in the shortest time possible. To sweep as fast as possible, enter the minimum value allowed for the sweep time.
Default Value
Default Unit
10 μs to 600000000 μs
Front Panel Access
Shift‑3 (Sweep), Sweep Time
Actual Sweep Time
Returns the actual sweep time as opposed to the specified sweep time.