Sets the Code Domain Power unit type. The query form returns either a “REL” for relative units, or an “ABS” for absolute units in Ascii (without the double quotes).
Sets the center frequency. Note that changing the value of the center frequency will change the value of the coupled parameters Start Frequency and Stop Frequency. It may also change the value of the span.
Selects the desired signal standard from the list. The <string> argument is the name of the desired signal standard as displayed in the instrument’s current signal standard list. The list can be displayed on the instrument by choosing the Signal Standard submenu button in the Freq menu. The list can also be downloaded remotely and viewed using Anritsu Master Software Tools. For example, if the desired Signal Standard is P‑GSM 900 - Uplink then the value of the <string> argument would be "P‑GSM 900 - Uplink".
The query form of this command will return the name of the currently‑selected Signal Standard on the list.
Front Panel Access
Freq, Signal Standard
Frequency Span
This is a query command only. The user cannot set the span in CDMA or EVDO modes.
Default Unit
[:SENSe]:PFail <test set> [:SENSe]:PFail?
PASS/FAIL Test Selection
Selects the active test set to be used in subsequent PASS/FAIL measurements. The <test set> value must correspond to a test set that is defined in the test set list. To view the list on the instrument, go into the “Measurement” menu, press the “Pass/Fail Mode” key, and then press the “Select Pass/Fail Test” submenu. Alternatively, the list can be retrieved remotely and viewed using the Anritsu Master Software Tools. The <test set> argument is a 1‑based index of the position of the desired Pass/Fail test set in the instrument’s current Pass/Fail test set list. For example, if the desired Pass/Fail test is the 3rd item on the list then the value of the <test set> argument would be 3.
When using the query form of the command, the return value is the currently selected test set number. If there is not a valid test set selected, the return value is “–1” (negative 1).
<test set>
Related Command
:CONFigure PFail
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Pass/Fail Mode, Select Pass/Fail Test
[:SENSe]:PN:OFFSet <integer> [:SENSe]:PN:OFFSet?
PN Offset
Sets the PN offset. Note that this can only be changed when PN Trigger is set to “GPS”, or “EXT”. A return value of the PN offset query is invalid when PN search type is AUTO.
Sets the PN search type. The default value is ON. That is, sending :SENSe:PN:STYPe:AUTO is equivalent to sending :SENSe:PN:STYPe:AUTO ON. The query form returns either a 1 for ON, or a 0 for OFF. Note that this can only be changed when PN Trigger is set to “GPS”, or “EXT”.
Sets the automatic amplitude range. Setting the value to ON or 1 will result in the amplitude range being coupled to the detected input signal level. Setting the value to OFF or 0 will result in the input attenuation being uncoupled from the input signal level. That is, changing the input signal level will not change the amplitude range. When this command is issued, the amplitude range itself will not change. The default value is ON. That is, sending :SENS:POW:RANG:AUTO is equivalent to sending :SENS:POW:RANG:AUTO ON.
Parameter Type
Default Value
Related Command
Front Panel Access
Amplitude, Auto Range
Amplitude Range
Recalculates amplitude range. Note that issuing this command will set the automatic dynamic range OFF.