This set of commands prepares the instrument for the selected measurement. It disables any currently‑enabled measurements and activates the specified measurement. It sets the instrument to single sweep mode, waiting for an :INITiate command. It will not initiate the taking of a measurement.
Current instrument settings may be changed to default values. These changes are identified with their respective measurement commands.
:CONFigure PFail
Configure PASS/FAIL Measurement
This command configures the PASS/FAIL measurement. It disables any other active measurements. None of the instrument parameters are changed by the execution of this command. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe] commands before initiating a measurement. The measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then PASS/FAIL from the front panel.
Related Command
:FETCh:PFail? MEASure:PFail? READ:PFail?
Front Panel Access
Measurements, Pass/Fail Mode
:CONFigure SUMMary
Configure Summary Measurement
This command configures the summary of all the related numerical measurement results. It disables any other active measurements. None of the instrument parameters are changed by the execution of this command. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe] commands before initiating a measurement.
This command configures the selected demodulation measurement. It disables any other active measurements. None of the instrument parameters are changed by the execution of this command. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:DEMod commands before initiating a measurement.
When the SUMMARY option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then Demodulator, then Modulation Summary from the front panel. When the CONStln option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then Demodulator, then Constellation from the front panel. When the SFLatness option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then Demodulator, then Spectral Flatness from the front panel. When the EVSCarrier option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then Demodulator then EVM vs Sub Carrier from the front panel. When the EVSYmbol option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then Demodulator then EVM vs Symbol from the front panel.
This command configures the selected RF measurement. It disables any other active measurements. None of the instrument parameters are changed by the execution of this command. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:RF commands before initiating a measurement.
When the SUMMary option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then RF, then RF Summary from the front panel. When the SPECtrum option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then RF, then Spectrum from the front panel. When the PVTime option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then RF, then Power vs Time from the front panel. When the ACPR option is selected, the measurement results are equivalent to the results that are displayed by choosing Measurements, then RF, then ACPR from the front panel.